Stealth 2001 - My i850 Renovation Project & Sveta SMP 2003 - My i860 Fun Project!

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  • you need coolers for Socket 603/604 not LGA 771. But grats on this find, you'll love them 3Ghz Gallies hah got two myself xD

    There is no problem, Sockel 423, 603, 604 and 771 have the some mounting system and hole spacing.

    Sockel 423 = 38,10 * 81,28 mm
    Sockel 603 = 38,10 * 81,28 mm
    Sockel 604 = 38,10 * 81,28 mm
    Sockel 771 = 38,10 * 81,28 mm

    Aah alright didn't know that more of an AMD user normally, so I thought different socket means different cooler lel :topmodel:

  • After i put my i850 system in the Thermaltake case, i felt that the case is al little bit to over-sized and i had the idea to re-use the Maxdata case, which was the case before. So, every weekend during last month i did a lot of modifications and now i want to present you the results.

    Blue Thunder

    Intel Pentium 4 2.00Ghz Willamette Socket 423m 256KB L2, 400Mhz FSB
    ASUS P4T Rev. 1.07 With Intel i850 Chipset
    4x 512MB PC-800-40 ECC Rambus Kingston Original
    Leadtek A250 Geforce 4 Ti 4400
    Creative Sound Blaster Live!
    3-Com 3C905-TX 10/100Mbit Ethernet Card
    MAXDATA ATX Mod-Case with cold cathode light

    It starts with a complete cleaning and dismantling of the case:

    I enlarged the holes for the fan from 5 to 6 mm. It was realy hard to remove the burr :bonk: :

    I decrease the hdd frame, so it dosen't disturb the look through the window. I restarted three times, after i found the right size. The line, which you can see, was my first try. In the end i cut off 5 cm and i had to drill new holes for the HDD.

    For the window, i used 4 mm acrylic glass and for the metal edge i used a U-profil rubber band. The MAXDATAN font has been painted in blue. my grandpa found some old blue colour in the garage, which looked nice and was made in the GDR :topmodel:

    i didn't want use the big Targan PSU, so i cleaned the old one with compressed air and a brush. Every e-cap looks fine.

    Every part of the case is painted and ready to put together:

    The size comparison between the Maxdata case (left) and the Thermaltake case:

    To found the right solution for the cablemanagement was not so easy. I cut out a little strip from the mainboard holder. After that, it was possible to lay some cables behind. The reduction of the HDD frame has an other possitive effect, now the ATX Power connecter fit better. To have not so much IDE cabels, i bought two round cables. For one cable, i cut off the 20 cm part and the other cable, i cut off the 30 cm part. So it fit perfect for ODD and the HDD drive.

    And now, here it is! In the front and the back i installed a 80 mm Papst fan with 1200 rpm. For more effects in the dark i add a blue cold cathode light.

    glidegallery <-- meine Voodoo Gallery [Domain 壊れてる]

    Edited 4 times, last by MadYoshi (August 8, 2020 at 10:01 PM).

  • Nice work there man :) that Thermaltake Indigo Orb is amazing you'll love it, mine still works likea charm as well :)

    Although I find it strange seeing someone I know using the same Computer name I use for my workstation from 2009 rofl
    it reads rather weird lel :topmodel:

  • :S It was not my intention to use the same name. I just thought, because of the blue light, to choose the name Blue Leader.

    And now, here is the light.

    I have also made some benchmarks. For the benchmarks, I have aligned myself to the rules of [Link]

    glidegallery <-- meine Voodoo Gallery [Domain 壊れてる]

    Edited once, last by MadYoshi (August 8, 2020 at 10:04 PM).

  • That looks lovely Blue Steel, Blue Thunder or Deep Blue could of fit it's name quite well, even so my sytsems name is Blue-Leader SMP 2009, I gave it that name becausse it has a rare Micromachines model of the Koensayr BTL-A4 Y-Wing Star Fighter from BLue Leader himself and of the Icy Blue & White light effets, two reasons.

    SMP meaning Symmetric Multi Processing, it's a system that has SMP support over two 6Core AMD OpteronDP 2435 D0 Instanbul CPU's,
    Even so I do love the finished result of this P4 2Ghz , glad you were able to complete it either way :)

    Yet I do look forward to how your Dual 3Ghz Gallatin will tun out, were you able to make a decent heatsink for the upper right placed CPU VRM's?

  • Hey all :)

    Today I upgraded my Dual Intel XeonMP 3Ghz HT Gallatin Retro Workstation with the world's most powerful AGP graphics card.

    Hereby I upgraded its ASUS V9999 GT Deluxe AGP 256MB GDDR3 with a HIS ATi Radeon HD 3850 ICEQ3 Turbo AGP 512MB 256Bit GDDR3 :D
    With this upgrade, games run way better now with FSAA x8 & AF 16 Settings incombination wit HDR ( High Dynamic Range) Enabled.
    The Image Quality is also lots better all thanks to much improved 2D & 3D Filters which Radeons have in advance over Geforce Cards, Matrox has even better ones.
    It's also that I just missed using a Radeon graphics card, this system can give me that experience back as well :D

    With this system I plan to Replay Fallout 3 + all it's DLC's, Cyrisis and maybe some Half-Life 2 :)
    So I look forward to how it will perform :cool: It uses the latest AMD Drivers for HD 3850 AGP graphics cards which is AMD Catalyst Suite 14.4 from April 2014 :)

    Name & Specs:

    Sveta SMP 2003

    2x Intel Pentium4 Xeon 3Ghz HT, 2 Cores / 4 Threads
    @ 3Ghz 2x 512KB L2 - 2x 4MB L3
    2x VERAX Polargate Copper Coolers for Socket 603
    4x 512MB PC-800-45ns ECC Kingston Server RDRAM
    Supermicro P4DCE+II Intel i860 chipset
    HIS ATi Radeon HD 3850 ICEQ3 Turbo AGP 512MB 256Bit GDDR3 Rev.A1 0806
    (Year 2008 - Week 06) RV670XT VPU & HD 3870 PCB hence nick named HID ATi Radeon HD 3870 AGP 512MB :topmodel::hre:
    Western Digital 250GB Server Edition 7200 rpm HDD
    Mitsubishi Electronics LS_120 Super Floppy Drive
    Plextor PlexWriter PX-48/24/48A CD/RW
    Creative Labs 12x/40x DVD/CD Rom Drive
    Enermax Modu 82+ 525 Watt PSU
    Addtronics 6896A Entry Level Server Tower

    WIndows XP Pro UK + SP3
    AMD Catalyst 14.4 (2014 - April) for WinXP x86 + SP3 for HIS HD 3850 ICE3 Turbo AGP

    Here some of the two Graphics cards side by side;
    ASUS V9999GT Deluxe AGP 256MB 256Bit GDDR3 Rev.A1 0514 (Year 2005 - Week 14)
    HIS ATi Radeon HD 3850 ICEQ3 Turbo AGP 512MB 256Bit GDDR3 Rev.A1 0806 (Year 2008 - Week 06)
    [Blocked Image:]

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    Here some pics of the new VGA card built in:
    [Blocked Image:]

    [Blocked Image:]

    Here the system turned on:
    [Blocked Image:]

    Here the finished result :spitze:
    [Blocked Image:]

    Here Sveta SMP 2003 in action with Winamp & MilkDrop2:
    [Blocked Image:]

    A Descent 2 Pyro-GX Art i applied to this side of the case back in 1996:
    [Blocked Image:]

    A Freespace 2 Art of a Shivan Cuiser, a Versudan Dreadnaught and a Terrans Hercules MK II Starfighter:
    [Blocked Image:]

    Here the GPU Driver & GPU info:
    [Blocked Image:]

    Edited 4 times, last by Gold Leader (December 4, 2017 at 9:51 PM).

  • My Blue Thunder got a little update. Like Gold Leader, I gave my baby a Geforce 6800 from Leadtek. My first step was to look, if the performance bottleneck will be realy the P4 2,0 GHz CPU. The result shows, what i to be afraid of. The highest Willamette platform is way slower than my old AMD XP 2000+.

    The results in 3DMark 2001 SE are the same as Gold Leaders. I got an average of over 10.000 points.

    glidegallery <-- meine Voodoo Gallery [Domain 壊れてる]

  • I doubt, that a Thunderbird 1400 can deliver the speed of a Northwood 3,06 GHz...;)

    "Du bist und bleibst a Mensch und du kannst eben net deine menschlichkeit überwinden."


  • Obviously but when OCing a T-bird 1.4 like my friend did with his Noise Control Silverado he got his T-Bird 1.4Ghz @ 1.67Ghz and he came close to the performance of the overpriced P4 2.8Ghz Nortwood tho ;) The K7 had a far greater FPU so with things like RC5 64 even a Northwood P4 sucked at doing the T-birds crushed them with everything FPU related.
    P4 was overall quite bad when it came to FPU related synthetic tests.

    even I have a workstation with Dual 3Ghz Gallatins in it each 4MB L3 this was P4 done right they need lots of L3 cache to become useful eventho my Dual 1.8GhzOpteron 244CG Beat it easilly in FPU related apps., FU related I think a T-Bird even at 1.4Ghz will come close or even defeat a P4 3.06Ghz.
    P4's were only great if the apps or games used SSE2 which was hardly a thing and they loved games or programs that took use of long bandwidth code Quake III is a good example of this as is Descent 3 and FreeSpace2, but other than that AMD Systems were mostly the fastest in everything else.

    I mainly did the i860 since it 's quite a rare system to have and back in 2003 the 3Ghz Gallatin was around 3692 USD a piece :topmodel: I Could go ona vacation for that haha, and this year that Dual Gallatin system cost me a mere 170USD and no more , perfect :)

  • A 1,4 Thunderbird Never or almost Never Beat a 3,06 northwood. And if you can find that rare case it will be VERY specific. The P4 architecture is quite crappy But Not THAT crappy be a Long Shot. I believe your opterons are faster than the gallatins, But that‘s a MUCH stronger architecture compared to the Thunderbird core.

    P.S. Sorry for the Capitals mess, my autocorrection drives me Crazy when writing English :grr::grr::mauer:

  • Who uses auto-correction? And why would anyone do such a thing? ;)


    Stolzer Besitzer eines 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP Prototypen:

    • 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP HiNT Rev.A-3700

    [//] - No RISC, no fun!

    QotY: Girls Love, BEST Love; 2018 - Lo and behold, for it is the third Coming; The third great Year of Yuri, citric as it may be! Edit: 2019 wasn't too bad either... Edit: 2020... holy crap, we're on a roll here~♡! Edit: 2024, finally last year's dry spell is over!

    Quote Bier.jpg@IRC 2020: "Je schlimmer der Fetisch, desto besser!"

  • Ah... I see.


    Stolzer Besitzer eines 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP Prototypen:

    • 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP HiNT Rev.A-3700

    [//] - No RISC, no fun!

    QotY: Girls Love, BEST Love; 2018 - Lo and behold, for it is the third Coming; The third great Year of Yuri, citric as it may be! Edit: 2019 wasn't too bad either... Edit: 2020... holy crap, we're on a roll here~♡! Edit: 2024, finally last year's dry spell is over!

    Quote Bier.jpg@IRC 2020: "Je schlimmer der Fetisch, desto besser!"

  • A 1,4 Thunderbird Never or almost Never Beat a 3,06 northwood. And if you can find that rare case it will be VERY specific. The P4 architecture is quite crappy But Not THAT crappy be a Long Shot. I believe your opterons are faster than the gallatins, But that‘s a MUCH stronger architecture compared to the Thunderbird core.

    P.S. Sorry for the Capitals mess, my autocorrection drives me Crazy when writing English :grr::grr::mauer:

    Well I said an OC'ed T-Bird 1.4 @ 1.67Ghz did come close to a NW 2.8 Ghz, keep in mind the Floating Point Unit from P4 wasn't grand compared to AMD's RISC related chips, even if it were a Northwood or Prescott, it was still not all too great.

    Even that Northwood were the best chips for the P4 CPU line, they were just not worth the money, P4's needed a high amount of Mhz to compete and that was their downside plus their extremely high pricetags as well, not everyone could afford the best P4 but they were easy to beat by going for a Dual Duron / AthlonXP with AthlonMP mods or just Dual AthlonMP' s for those that prefered the real deal.

    Dual AthlonMP 2200+ is what I did back in 2002, that was around 1200 USD cheaper than a P4 3.06Ghz with also 1GB of RDRAM as comparing to an entire system, but indeed P4 was not all bad as long SSE2 was actually used and the programs actually took benefit of HT they did get along quite well, but still not as fast as a Dual AthlonMP 200+ 2x 1.8Ghz Thoroughbred-A's.

    And of course a T-Bird 1.4 would be beaten by a NW 3.06, yet if the T-Bird runs at 1.67 the gap will be lots thinner, even though I still think the FPU of the T-Bird at 1.67Ghz will be better than that of the P4 since that was one of the weaknesses of the entire P4 architecture, no matter the revision or core variant.

    Here a good video proving how well the T-Bird was compared to the P4's that came out to rival the T-birds proving how bad the P4's actually were, Willamette's that being:

    By the time the P4 3.06Ghz was around AMD Had the Athlon XP 3200+ Barton and their Athlon64 was just around the corner and for the price of a P4 3.06Ghz you could make a cheaper Dual AthlonMP 2200+ a 2400+ and still crush it, thanks to 2 Real cores over 1 really fast core with Hyper Threading, as where Hyper Threading wasn't as great as it supposed to have been either, real cores do more period.

    There were too many better alternatives at the time, it's not for nothing that P4 didn't do all too well when it came to Intel.
    Fans will never agree they only tell what they agree with and believe in I just am telling you on what I have learned over the years.

    And agreed Dual XeonMP 3000 HT I made I paid 170 USD for it this year, but If I were to build that in Q4 of 2003 that entire system would of cost em a good 15.000 to 16.000 USD if not more, I stick to USD as the universal marketing currency.

    But anyways i860 is lots of fun still, Yet I am still getting regrets I didn't go for the Iwill DF-400 SN, since that comes with a Ram card capable of having 8x 512MB PC-800-40 ECC Reg hah dreams, Imma keep on looking tho! :)

    Here the Iwill DF-400 SN motherboard:

    And here the Iwill MEC8 Memory Riser Card:

    the reason I with with the Supermicro P4DCE+II was because of the top tier Dual XeonMP 3000 HT Gallatins and the VERAX Polargate Copper coolers that came with it, the Iwill set came with 2x 2.8Ghz XeonMP Gallatins but no Verax coolers so yeah was a very hard choice to make tho.
    Gotta keep on looking I guess :topmodel:

    Even though I would like actual evidence proving how good the FPU of the P4 Northwood 3.06Ghz is versus a T-Bird 1.67Ghz or 1.4Ghz really I am curious tbh.

    RC5-64 is a project I took part of back in 2000 to around 2002 with the Dutch Power Cows :)

    As for auto correct just disable that and the problem is solved xD GAT's advice is your healing sir :respekt::topmodel:

    p.s if I translate iPad in Dutch it reads iToad :topmodel: xD Pad = Toad in Dutch leeeeeel xD

    Edited 3 times, last by Gold Leader (August 10, 2018 at 10:55 PM).