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3dfx Ebay Links
Oder man ist am trauern über die geschundene Hardware.
ich find den preis noch ganz ok für ne 4500
schnell zuschlagen. sehr selten!
Zur V2, leider nur die Verpackung von der 2 the Max, Karte ist ne Gainward mit nachgeklebten schiefen Kühlern...
nicht ganz, die haben die gleichen Karten unter verschiedenen Namen vertrieben
Aber die vergurkten Kühler sind so sicher nicht original
hier noch ne Monster 3d in ovp
nicht ganz, die haben die gleichen Karten unter verschiedenen Namen vertrieben
Aber die vergurkten Kühler sind so sicher nicht original
Grad nachgelesen und in der Gamestar geblättert. Stimmt 100%ig. Die waren dann aber ohne Kühler. Dann habe ich wohl versehentlich auch eine Gainward/2 the Max, denn die hat ebenfalls keine Kühler ab Werk
Stimmt 100%ig. Die waren dann aber ohne Kühler. Dann habe ich wohl versehentlich auch eine Gainward/2 the Max, denn die hat ebenfalls keine Kühler ab Werk
Nicht ganz. Vielleicht ursprünglich geplant, wurden die dann aber auch einfach mit Kühlern ausgeliefert. Vermutlich Nachfragen nach t2 max zu groß und die haben dann die Karten aus dem Gainward Kontingent genommen...
3dfx Voodoo5 5500 PCI Macinotosh ( It's DVI-D Port was removed for odd reasons..
price is too high as well, some sellers lol)
Package is complete:Card has it's DVI-D Connector removed.. what the hell and why :X
not worth 800 Euro lmao
Der DVI Ausgang ist der große Pluspunkt der Mac Karte, daher sehe ich das Ding eher als wertlos an?! Ist als hätte man den wertvollsten Teil rausgeschnitten. Was für einen Sinn macht das?
The DVI output is the big plus of the Mac card, so this one is basically worthless? It's like the most precious part has been cut out. What kind of sense does that make?
Der DVI Ausgang ist der große Pluspunkt der Mac Karte, daher sehe ich das Ding eher als wertlos an?! Ist als hätte man den wertvollsten Teil rausgeschnitten. Was für einen Sinn macht das?
The DVI output is the big plus of the Mac card, so this one is basically worthless? It's like the most precious part has been cut out. What kind of sense does that make?
I believe the seller has found a box with a full bundle of the normal v5 5500 pci ... and the 3dfx v5 5500 Mac without box and bunlde supplied.
By removing the Dvi connector he combined things and recreated, according to his mind, the old 3Dfx voodoo 5 5500 pci package.
Or he bought it as it is ...
Und das ist nicht mal natives DVI...
Der DVI Ausgang ist der große Pluspunkt der Mac Karte, daher sehe ich das Ding eher als wertlos an?! Ist als hätte man den wertvollsten Teil rausgeschnitten. Was für einen Sinn macht das?
The DVI output is the big plus of the Mac card, so this one is basically worthless? It's like the most precious part has been cut out. What kind of sense does that make?
I know riight My mind was really like what the actual fuck... ergh some people are just out there to make abuse of things... I even rate this as well some sort of a scam in a sense I guess? lmao
Ah well at least we are smart enough to avoid it
But this pic surely fits it haha -
I believe the seller has found a box with a full bundle of the normal v5 5500 pci ... and the 3dfx v5 5500 Mac without box and bunlde supplied.
By removing the Dvi connector he combined things and recreated, according to his mind, the old 3Dfx voodoo 5 5500 pci package.
Or he bought it as it is ...
No his science killed up what was once an awesome rare card, that seller is probably a Lieutenant in the Zealot Patrol
I believe the seller has found a box with a full bundle of the normal v5 5500 pci ... and the 3dfx v5 5500 Mac without box and bunlde supplied.
By removing the Dvi connector he combined things and recreated, according to his mind, the old 3Dfx voodoo 5 5500 pci package.
Or he bought it as it is ...
No his science killed up what was once an awesome rare card, that seller is probably a Lieutenant in the Zealot Patrol
I'm in contact with the seller and I think he bought the card as it is.
Since it is a very clean job what you see in the seller's photo, I believe that 3dfx had terminated the voodoo mac pci without a DVI connector and inserted the version with DVI into the box but without a connector.
if so, this card is a rarity ... otherwise it is crap.
On the original box is written "Mac Version".
However, it will cancel the auction and when it has "rearranged" boxes and vga will put the advertisement back.
has done an update of the description but does not yet write that the form is modified ...
Hmm maybe resoldering a DVI-D port to it could fix the crippled card.. idea's?
Since all it's SMD's resistors & capacitors are still in place even the Silicon Image chip is still there and the needed parts on back of that area hmm, just wondering though:
The seller really needs to edit the price... it's still stupid :')
But the seller being a Russian, not someting I'd trust, god knows if they removed the DVI-D and trying to ripp people off in such ways, I just get super anxious with such type of people, best to be careful and igore it.
It's just not something I'd want to trust if I have to be honest, remove the DVI-D selling it for a rip off and get away with it, that makes it look like a typical scam right thereAnd yea I know assuming isn't right but there are times I do that anyways best to be safe than sorry in the end.
Anyways back to ebay links since we were all discussing this here anyways, it doesn't like like matter.
Kind of weird VA has two sepperate threads one for ebay links and the other for ebay discussions not like that is working just one thread for both would be cleaner tbh, most people won't care anyways that is the kind of image this place has given me over the past few months go figure... -
I think it's a normal PCI card without DVI connector.
Compare the sticker from a V5 PCI MAC, source: tdfx.de. Link: http://www.tdfx.de/pic/voodoomac_5500_01b.JPG
I think it's a normal PCI card without DVI connector.
Compare the sticker from a V5 PCI MAC, source: tdfx.de. Link: http://www.tdfx.de/pic/voodoomac_5500_01b.JPG
Had the same thought. The bracket also isn't missing the DVI cutout.
The DVI circuitry is populated so if I were to hazard a guess STB either found out the DVI wasn't working on this particular card and reflashed and sold it as a PC version instead of binning it or they had overproduced on Mac cards and repurposed some of their stock or somebody simply forgot to reprogram the machine that places SMD components after a run of Mac cards.
Maybe we should move the discussion back to the discussion thread?
Hmm I see that but how can it have all the chips needed to be a MAC on it?
Here old pics of my V5 5500 PCI &V5 5500 PCI Mac
Top & Rear:As if the seller tried to mimic a V5 5500 PCI mac witha V5 5500 PCI, by soldering on the missing parts yet never got to soldering on the DVI-D that is what I am seeing after you posted that pic ofyour V5 5500 PCI Mac, Avenger good find.
Ebay threads should be one thread for links & discussion it's easier and more logical, since splitting up threads doesn't normally work anyways I made a thread about that here at Uber Voodooalert:
Ebay links & ebay discussion as one thread?Just keep'n it Simple in such ways maybe?
Sometimes change can be good, since not many active here anyways lesser thread types more logic & simplicity. -