Ebay ^^ Sicher nur ein Tippfehler aber lustig
Jetzt hat er es korrigiert
Ebay ^^ Sicher nur ein Tippfehler aber lustig
Jetzt hat er es korrigiert
Der Preis ist immernoch falsch.
Ich finde da fehlen noch Backfire's Bastelfeen als Gütesiegel im Hintergrund
Viel Erfolg mit der Auktion.
Na dann schauen wir mal wie das verläuft - da bin doch ein ganz klein wenig gespannt.
- Backfire -
Viel Erfolg mit der Auktion.
Ist nicht meine Auktion, falls Du das vermutet hast.
Achso - ja das hatte ich angenommen.
Aber wie dem auch sei - bin gespannt wie die verläuft.
- Backfire -
Oh yeah, I assumed that.
But anyway - I'm curious how it goes.
- back fire -
Oh yeah, I assumed that.
But anyway - I'm curious how it goes.
- back fire -
Oh nice!!
Backfire , du fandest meine doch so interessant. Jetzt wäre die Gelegenheit^^
still a bad price for a mass produced X-24, even 400 eur would be overpriced, but yea your money
It's funny how the word rare is so overused by greedy sellers, it will always amaze me lmao
Das ist praktisch bei mir um die Ecke^^
Das ist praktisch bei mir um die Ecke^^
that's a silly amount, not what I'd ever pay for one more around 200 Euros even that is a lot for a mass produced card heh
Was ist ein „Lech“?
Was ist ein „Lech“?
Das ist ein größerer Fluss hier in Bayern, der in die Donau fließt^^
Das ist praktisch bei mir um die Ecke^^
that's a silly amount, not what I'd ever pay for one
more around 200 Euros even that is a lot for a mass produced card heh
Yes, I know. But you cannot buy it for less price anymore...
So it will be sold for this price, I have no doubts.
Display MoreWas ist ein „Lech“?
Das ist ein größerer Fluss hier in Bayern, der in die Donau fließt^^
Das ist praktisch bei mir um die Ecke^^
that's a silly amount, not what I'd ever pay for one
more around 200 Euros even that is a lot for a mass produced card heh
Yes, I know. But you cannot buy it for less price anymore...
So it will be sold for this price, I have no doubts.
Well you can you just have to know from who, I mostly stick to internal deals with contacts, I can help keep an eye out for one if you are looking for such a card, most ebay sellers are just full of greed if nobody buys from them they will be forced to lower their prices, just gotta hope people are smart enough not to buy these cards for these high prices because if they do that means they accept these things going for mindless amounts.
I will always be on the lookout for cheaper values from friends or from private deals.
But you are right tho it sadly will be sold for that stupid amount, I Miss the days of 2002 to 2007 when you could get a mint in box V5 PCI for like 60 euros or so, back then 3dfx was enjoyable for all people now it's only doable for the rich greedy people, as where the people with actual knowledge and brains on how to use these cards properly are always left out, we are the ones solving issues of those that lack common knowledge on how to treat these cards..
But hey sometimes you can find a nice deal even it's a broken card, it should be an easy on to fix
3dfx Voodoo3 1000C AGP 16MB Rev.A0 3599
Missing C100 + C88 caps, see picture #4. I assume it doesn't work; didn't even try to boot it up.
Well you can you just have to know from who, I mostly stick to internal deals with contacts, I can help keep an eye out for one if you are looking for such a card, most ebay sellers are just full of greed if nobody buys from them they will be forced to lower their prices, just gotta hope people are smart enough not to buy these cards for these high prices because if they do that means they accept these things going for mindless amounts.
I've been looking for an affordable V5 5500 PCI for a long time. So if you have contacts or an idea how to get a card for a sub E-bay price, I would be very happy to hear from you
Jetzt dürften sie bald bei Dir vor der Haustüre stehen und am Telefon sturmläuten, Du Koryphäe!