Voodoo5 6000 Rev. A 3700: Liste mit Seriennummern

  • This list tries to collect all the known Voodoo5 6000 Rev. A 3700 prototypes, identified by the serial number on the backsite of the card.

    Since only the 3700A has the white decal with the s/n on it, all the other revisions are not part of this list. It is nearly impossible to identify the cards, since there no unique attribute.

    Besides the proof, that these cards exist or existed, I try you collect as much information, especially the history of the card, as possible. A perfect track record whould be every owner, with selling/buying dates, started with the former 3dfx employee, who freed the card back in 2000.

    If you have any information about a new card or about a card already listed below, feel free to post here or drop a PM.

    Currently there are 52 known Voodoo5 6000 Rev. A 3700.

    Notice: If you want to buy a 3700A, or someone offers you a 3700A, ask for pictures which shows the serial number. Always ask for pictures and compare it to the ones listed here!



    1V31Front / Back / S/N10/2004 - today: Tweakstone? - 10/2004: lao-koon
    ? - ?: Iwellius
    1V33Front / Back / S/N09/2016 - today: Maniac81? - 09/2016: Markus
    1V39Front / Back / S/N04/2003 - today: guenter.f.6812/2000 - 04/2003: Edward Conde (3dfx)
    1V3HFront / Back / S/N2019 - today: Sergei?
    1V3YFront / Back / S/N06/2019 - today: ?03/2018 - 06/2019: Batyra
    ? - 03/2018: hard1k
    ? - ?: White
    ? - ?: ALT-F13
    1V3ZFront / Back / S/N? Iwellius
    1V4CFront / Back / S/N2002 - today: GrandAdmiralThrawn? - 2002: ?
    1V4EFront / Back / S/N? Iwellius
    1V4HFront / Back / S/N??
    1V4GFront / Back / S/N? Iwellius
    1V4JFront / Back / S/N? Iwellius
    1V4NFront / Back / S/N11/2012 - today: S2 Sedan2010 - 11/2012: Voodoo_Freak
    ? - ?: osckhar
    1V4RFront / Back / S/N06/2003 - today: gtxe? - 06/2003: Iwellius
    1V4VFront / Back / S/N? - ?: Torch Iwellius
    1V50Front / Back / S/Nneurocrash?
    1V52Front / Back / S/N Valentyn
    1V53Front / Back / S/NQ2/2003 - today: Zilch12/2000 - Q2/2003: Edward Conde (3dfx)
    1V56Front / Back / S/N2011 - ?: Trevormarco (now w/ 4ns RAM)01/2004 - 2011: Meister
    ? - 01/2004: Iwellius
    1V5AFront / Back / S/N2009/10 - today: Backfire? - 2009/10: m14radu
    ? - ?: dborca
    1V5EFront / Back / S/N07/2005 - today: exxe?
    1V5NFront / Back / S/N? Iwellius
    1V5WFront / Back / S/N2010/02 - today: 666psycho? - 2010/02: ?
    ? - ?: Hiero
    1V5XFront / Back / S/NTrevormarco?
    1V60Front / Back / S/N02/2023 - today: Unknown? - 02/2023: theeraccoon
    06/2019 - ?: SWZSSR (formerly SWZSSR)
    ? -06/2019: Markus
    1V6GFront / Back / S/N02/2008 - today: Raziel08/2006 - 02/2008: Eye-Q
    1V6HFront / Back / S/N murfi12/2005 - ?: Gold Leader
    12/2000 - 12/2005: Hank Semenec (3dfx)
    1V6JFront / Back / S/N Surrimugge Iwellius
    1V6KFront / Back / S/N? Iwellius
    1V6LFront / Back / S/N11/2008 - today: Chosen_One11/2007 - 11/2008: 666psycho
    12/2000 - 11/2007: Ron Hemphill (3dfx)
    1V6MFront / Back / S/N?? - 2018: White
    1V6PFront / Back / S/N SnaG Iwellius
    1V6TFront / Back / S/N? - ?: Trevermarco06/2011 - ?: rottentreats
    1V6VFront / Back / S/N??
    1V6WFront / Back / S/N? Iwellius
    1V6XFront / Back / S/N05/2023 - today: Xion? - 05/2023: m14radu
    1V71Front / Back / S/N Raff?
    1V72Front / Back / S/NBrendan?
    1V79Front / Back / S/N06/2005 - ?: Mr. Lolman? - 06/2005: pandyno
    1V7CFront / Back / S/N02/2007 - today: zzyzzyxx1008? - 02/2007: gamma742
    1V7EFront / Back / S/N09/2015 - today: Aslinger? -09/2015: Markus
    1V7JFront / Back / S/N09/2021 - today: FalconNic? - 09/2021: Alex
    2011 - ?: Varus
    02/2010 - 2011: rottentreats
    ? - 02/2010: edmundoab
    1V7MFront / Back / S/N02/2020 - today: Xion? - 02/2020: masterj85
    ? - ?: TM30
    1V7NFront / Back / S/N08/2011 - ?: ?06/2008 - 08/2011: razrx
    03/2003 - 06/2008: Agent500
    03/2002 - 03/2002: MeLLe
    12/2000 - 03/2002: Clay Woodsen
    1V7QFront / Back / S/Nyify?
    1V7SFront / Back / S/N12/2000 - today: Hank Semenec (3dfx)-
    1V8AFront / Back / S/N? Iwellius
    1V8CFront / Back / S/N? Iwellius
    1V8HFront / Back / S/N02/2016 - today: Artex? - 02/2016: Markus
    1V8MFront / Back / S/N??
    1V8PFront / Back / S/N11/2018 - today: erek? - 11/2018: Markus
    1V8RFront / Back / S/N11/2010 - today: Wild_Bill11/2004 - 11/2010: hutzeputz
    ? - 11/2004: Iwellius
    1V8TFront / Back / S/N (alt.)2011 - ?: Trevormarco (now w/ 3.5ns RAM)?

    Edited 103 times, last by Chosen_One (August 1, 2024 at 8:25 PM).

  • Hast du eine neue v56k oder ist das die, die ich von dir gekauft habe?

    Dann muss ich die nicht auspacken und nachschauen :D

    Edit: Ich seh grad deine Signatur mit der v56k. Ist aufgenommen. Und ich schau bei mir mal nach.

  • Meine 3700 hat die:

    serial_number: 0848001A000000000000009M1V7E

    pcb_rev: 210-0391-001-A

    Der Besitzer davor war Markus, hier in dieser Liste ersichtlich. Seit ca. Sept. 2015 im Besitz. Rückseitenbild auf die Schnelle keines gefunden, wird nachgereicht.

    Edited 6 times, last by Aslinger (March 12, 2019 at 9:49 PM).

  • War auch mein erster Gedanke, dass man die etwas strukturierter machen sollte, aber um ein echtes Update zu bekommen welche v56k gerade wo ist, fehlen mir die Kontakte zu den ganzen Leuten.

    Und es wird ja immer mehr zur Mode, dass man sich in Schweigen hüllt, wenn man sich einen Prototypen kauft. Den Verkaufsthread sieht man i.d.R. noch, aber der Verkauf findet via PN statt und der Käufer möchte unerkannt bleiben.

    Das ist schade, zumindest DAS es die Karte gibt wäre schon mal eine Information, auch für spätere Käufer. Mit der S/N hat man ein Mittel das zu verfolgen...zumindest bei den 3700ern, was aber die Mehrzahl ist.

    Wie so vieles steht und fällt die Geschichte mit den Leuten die mitmachen.

  • Previous known owner for


    Voodoo5 6000 210-0391-001-A 3700 0848001A000000000000009M 1V8P erek   ?


    Is Markus from Spain? Here's his For Sale Post: http://www.voodoo3dfx.com/Foro_V6k/viewt…71c2bbb476354e7

  • ugh... why am I in that list if I may ask???

    Everyone knows that my card was sold to one Murfisor guy... not something I prefer to be reminded of... the previous owner of my card was Hank Semenec himself my card was brand new and never used, Hank did the PCI-Rework and Gary tested it and applied the internal power hookup.

    But If you are going to make a list, it would make more sense to make a list of all the current Voodoo5 6000 owners... then adding TM .. heh good luck with that I guess... that is one of many reasons I never bothered.

    Some cards I do know the previous owners of, heck I had contact with all Voodoo5 6000 owners from 2005 to 2011 I believe that was.

    Previous owner of Erik's card was one Spaniard by the name of Markus if you were wondering.

    Edited once, last by Gold Leader (January 20, 2019 at 2:37 AM).

  • You may ask of course. I scraped as much S/Ns from the internet and dumped them into that list.

    Since the S/N wasn't mentioned and nobody seems to care about it I needed high-res picture to identify them. And from whom posted and talked about the card I choosed the "last_known_user" which was right for me at the moment.

    Thanks for the history for your card, it's added.

    A list for all cards whould be nice, but how to track and identify the cards w/o S/N? Kinda hard and since the new buyers remain silent it's not really possible if you aim for 100% accuracy.

    So I go for 80-90% with the Rev.A 3700, the most common one.

    A list with all cards is only possible if you provide a unique number for each v56k and the current owner will write a tag and put it on the card. I don't think that's possible.

    It is a long time project and the users must provide data. That's not a one-man-show, because these shows get cancelled.

    I hope this list could provide some sort of value for owners, to get to know the history of their cards, so they give some data in return.

    Your card can be tracked down to the 3dfx-guy, who took it in 2000. From the USA, to the Netherlands and now to the guy you sold it to. Like my card, which is trackable to the 3dfx-dude back in 2000.

    Feel free to ask some guys you know or look at high-res pictures on your drive.

    We will see where this journey ends.

  • Chosen_One January 20, 2019 at 10:31 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Voodoo5 6000: Seriennummern” to “Voodoo5 6000 Rev. A 3700: Liste mit Seriennummern”.