Voodoo5 6000 Rev. A 3700: Liste mit Seriennummern

  • ... the old http://www.voodoo3dfx.com forum ...

    Just recognized that the domain has expired. :-/

    Maybe the next 3dfx website to be offline. Do you know what's up with oskhar?


    Grad gesehen...die Domain ist ja expired. :-/

    Möglicherweise die nächste Seite, die verschwindet!? Oder weiß jmd. was mit oskhar ist!?

    Viele Grüße


  • Ah yes I helped SWZSSR find that card, he is one of my admins at x-3dfx, yet it would of been nice for him to post the card himself unless you had permission to post this Aslinger ?

    Just trying to protect ownership & permission rights with such things.

  • Ah yes I helped SWZSSR find that card, he is one of my admins at x-3dfx, yet it would of been nice for him to post the card himself unless you had permission to post this Aslinger ?

    Just trying to protect ownership & permission rights with such things.

    Yes, no problem, I have got a permission from SWZSSR, because he is not registered here in this forum. All is ok.:)

    Edited once, last by Aslinger (July 20, 2019 at 3:24 PM).

  • Yaaaas It's bootyfuls dow <3 Thus I knew I had to help him find one, it was hist turn to rde the beast as many of us have as well :)
    So by asking my old buddy osckhar was kind of my plan :)

    So many thanks to you osckhar & Markus For making this possible and work out, it's quite fantastic I can tell ya <3:respekt::topmodel:

    Also greetings from x-3dfx :spitze:

  • just do the same or similar like what I did in my list:

    V5 6000, V5 5000 und V5 5500 AGP x4, Owners Liste und Infos

    Or here in English at EVGA (tons of pics just a side note!)

    List of Defective Voodoo5 6000's:

    V6K Different type amount | Revision | PCB Date | V6K Total amount | Country + Owner name

    «» 3 | Comdex, Rev.A0, Rev.A1 | 41-4999, 0700, 1500 | 3 «» NL Omega_Supreme
    «» 2 | Rev.A0,Rev.A | 0700, 3900 | 3 «» US gdonovan

    «» 1 | Rev.A0 | 0700 | 1 «» US Kyle Bennett

    «» 1 | Rev.A2 | 2600 | 1 «» FR Nightbird

    «» 1 | Rev.A3 | 3400 | 1 «» IT Simon3D

    «» 1 | Rev.A | 3700 | 1 «» UK Tim

    «» 1 | Rev.A | 3700 | 1 «» A GrandAdmiralThrawn

    «» 1 | Rev.A | 3700 | 1 «» UR cUsLs

    «» 1 | Rev.A | 3700 | 1 «» DE Chosen_One

    «» 1 | Rev.A | 3700 | 1 «» DE Wild_Bill

    Total Rev. 41-4999's: 1

    Total Rev.A0 0700's: 3

    Total Rev.A1 1500's: 2

    Total Rev.A2 2600's: 1

    Total Rev.A3 3400's: 1

    Total Rev.A 3700's: 5

    Total Rev.A 3900's: 1

    Total of defect 3dfx Voodoo 5 6000 AGP's: 14

    I am willing to hlp make you guys a proper list when such details are of need, all I don't know is who has how many Rev.A 0700's Rev.A1 1500's, Rev.A2 2600's, Rev.A3 3400's & Rev.A 3700's that goes for world owner amounts.
    What you'd want is a list of all defective cards as shown above.
    A list of all functional cards

    and a List of the Voodoo Volts and which of the three you have etc.

    You also might want a motherboard reliabillity list things like that so other Voodoo 56000 users or new owners can see that the motherboards that are safe to use are in that list as well, for me this was a lot of work to do but I knew it would be handy and useful and all the Voodoo5 6000 owners were very thankful sicne it gave them kind of clarity of what cards are out there which ones work which don't etc who has what were they are all located you name it.

    That was the purpose of my list, the new list I see here is nice but such details right be hard to gain from older revisions , so dunno how to gain that information.

    Edited 6 times, last by Gold Leader (September 16, 2019 at 4:22 PM).

  • If you want to track all Voodoo5 6000 you have to tag them, since for the non-3700er there is no unique item for identification.

    I guess 90% of the current owners won't give a fuck to a tag like "#00080".

    Another option, i a perfect world, would be really high-res pictures from a certain point of view. Maybe you could identify the card. Mounting of the coolers (angled about x degrees), mounting of the fans with their cables, combined with reworks and the e-tag of course, if available.

    Also not gonna happen.

    I do not see any possibility to track all cards, or do I miss something?

  • I used to have the emails addresses of all the owners I got my accurate info by simply mailing all the owners, it was a lot of work but back then it was very doable and II also had a card then nowadays it's not easy and it's a shame such info has gone lost I also blame myself for selling my gear and leaving the community but I probably had my reasons I barely remember it all so sorry for all that.

    And the reason that current owners may not give a fuck is probably they just lack the needed details to register such cards not all new owners are bad even when I read your message you are saying all new owners don't give a fuck, that is pretty inaccurate I can tell you :)

    That was rather a rude and unprofessional comment mind you.

    I can understand that non-German people have a hard time with this place it's all making sense.

  • Collecting data about things, which have no unique characteristics or maybe a lot of them built a unique one (but you always need all of them) from a heterogeneous group of people, where many want to stay secret. Almost impossible.

    If you think you can do such a thing, feel free to do so. I wish you all the luck on earth, because you will need it.

    We could build a small website where owners can add their cards. English and v56k only, very low hurdles. And only cards with high-res pictures and good information are added to the list. But why should a owner want to enlist? Are we providing an improvement?

  • People tend to like being on some list. It's a psychological thing. This is most true for toplists / rankings, which people absolutely love to be on, but even lists such as this one would qualify. Especially if it's easy to use.

    You'll never catch the truly secretive owners (or those who don't care about the communities) anyway, but for the rest, this is still a valid approach I think.

    You'd just have to give up on completionism.

    Ah, by the way, I still haven't even provided photographs of my own Rev.A-3700. But then again, I truly am one lazy fuck, so no wonder...


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    • 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP HiNT Rev.A-3700

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