Hello everyone
This is something I never showed here before, thought I'd post it, since it's been quite a ride, also confirmed by the Makers of Descent 1,23, Freespace 1 &2 and Overload they go now as Revival Studio's and all the Descent & Freespace communities, this is by far the largest collection of the Descent & Freespace game series to date.
Here the original Topic of the Descent/Freespace Collection at Interplay Forums:
It seems the Interplay link is broken so my main topic is here at the Overload forums:
So here my story and my Descent/Freespace collection, something most of the Descent & Freespace community people know about, I just want to give you lot my insights of the best game ever created by mankind.
After some years of collecting and being a Pyro Jockey for over 20 years all way back since it all began on October 21, 1994 when the first Descent Demo rolled out I was hooked immediately, and since then I waited for every part of the series to arrive but never thought about this collecting feeling which I started about 2 years ago and now it has turned into a Descent obsession some call it Obi’s Descent Archive and others a museum heh.
Anyways name it what you all like here’s some new pics and I want to thank a lot of you for helping get a few of these rare wanna haves.
Today I gave each album a new sub section so here’s the collection 105 parts as I have counted them all yesterday after adding a Descent mission disc and a Spacetec IMC Cooperation Spaceorb 360 game controller .
As I registered to this forum a few days ago i thought I’d add a topic of the World’s Largest Descent / Freespace Collection, the one I have collected and gathered the past 20+ years
What I did is divide it all in to sub groups, all the Product names speak for themselves, click it and you enter the sub gallery of that item .
Descent Series
Descent 2 Series:
Descent 3 Series
Descent Combo Packs
Descent Linux Series
Descent Macintosh series
Descent Playstation Series
Descent Books
Descent Mini Posters
Descent Mouse Pads
Descent Misc Items:
Descent Freespace Series
Descent Freespace 2 Series
Descent Freespace Combo Packs
Descent Freespace Books
On October 21, 2010 this lovely set arrived from MasternX, a guy that has a contact with one of the cleaners that worked @ Interplay HQ back in 2003 to 2004, when it was being cleared after it shut down
So here’s the parts in a one shot:
That frame hung in the Interplay HQ Office hallways, them CD-R’s are host software of Descent 1 and 2, the one with the scratches is the Descent 1 Alpha disc, this is where it all began before it was going final, the one from 1996 is the host disk for Descent Anniversary Edition me thinks hence the date of the disk, unless some Interplay Employee’s can help me out here!
This came to me all thanks to MasternX from this website:
This is probably one of the most rarest of all items I was given as a gift, after helping a friend Acquire a rare 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP 128MB Rev.A2 2600 [Week 26 Year 2000] from an ex-3dfx engineer for a good deal, my 3dfx report can be read here @ EVGA Graphics to see my3dfx background, just for the ones that are questioned about this
Here a Pre-Production Sample of Descent3: Mercenary USA! This is the Pre-Release version which is Factory Sealed in the original factory cellophane + NOT FOR RESALE Decal under the seal on the box! A very rare sight
Great and many thanks to a good friend of mine from Minnesota, USA he goes by the nick name of “rottentreats” he’s from the 3dfx forums Falconfly.de
This is certainly a gift of many words
Here all the four variants of Descent I and II The Definitive Collection all are Factory Sealed in their original cellophane! These items are from 1998, so it’s been like this for the past 16 years…
All four variants top view
Top left is EUR version without D3 Demo
Top right is USA Version with D3 Demo
Bottom left is Big Box USA version with D3Demo
Bottom right is Sleeved USA version without D3 Demo
All four variants rear view
Top left is EUR version without D3 Demo
Top right is USA Version with D3 Demo
Bottom left is Big Box USA version with D3Demo
Bottom right is Sleeved USA version without D3 Demo
Descent Freespace Battle Pack EUR & USA top
Descent Freespace Battle Pack EUR & USA rear