Special Unified Xcelerator (V5-6K New)

  • Update 02/02/2022


    Let's start with some good news!

    for windows 98 se, a solution has been found for the limitation of installable ram, for the speed problems of the pci-slot, with chipsets of the x30 series and later.

    At the following address:


    White, author of the first review of the S.U.X. 6000 Pci, who is currently testing and preparing the second review, has finally managed to solve this dilemma after many hours of searching for a solution.

    Many thanks, White.:respekt:

    Beginnen wir mit einer guten Nachricht!

    für windows 98 se wurde eine lösung für die begrenzung des installierbaren ram, für die geschwindigkeitsprobleme des pci-slots, mit chipsätzen der serie x30 und später gefunden.

    Unter der folgenden Adresse:


    White, Autor der ersten Rezension des S.U.X. 6000 Pci, der derzeit den zweiten Bericht testet und vorbereitet, hat es nach vielen Stunden der Suche nach einer Lösung endlich geschafft, dieses Dilemma zu lösen.

    Vielen Dank, White. :respekt:

    Update 14/12/2021


    Hi everyone,

    we arrived at the 3rd Release of the Special Unified Xcelerator.

    In this Matt Black version, the fan speed adjustment with Jumper switch has been added, as in the AGP Snow White version; the ram went from 128MB to 256MB with Jumper switch ; Copper heatsinks give way to lighter aluminum heatsinks.

    In the comparison image you can appreciate the evolution of the 3rd series compared to the 2nd and 1st series.

    Furthermore, we are waiting for an article with tests carried out on an s1366 platform that can be managed by windows xp and windows 98.

    As soon as available, the review link will be published.

    Once again, great work Anthony! :)

    Hallo zusammen,

    wir sind bei der 3. Version des Special Unified Xcelerator angekommen.

    In dieser mattschwarzen Version wurde die Einstellung der Lüftergeschwindigkeit mit Jumper-Schalter hinzugefügt, wie in der AGP Snow White Version; der Ram wurde von 128MB auf 256MB mit Jumper-Schalter erweitert; die Kupferkühlkörper weichen leichteren Aluminiumkühlkörpern.

    Auf dem Vergleichsbild können Sie die Entwicklung der 3. Serie im Vergleich zur 2. und 1.

    Außerdem warten wir auf einen Artikel mit Tests, die auf einer s1366-Plattform durchgeführt wurden, die von Windows XP und Windows 98 verwaltet werden kann.

    Sobald dieser verfügbar ist, wird der Link zum Test veröffentlicht.

    Noch einmal, großartige Arbeit Anthony! :)


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    Hello everybody,

    Thanks to the developer Anthony and all his work team, the new version of the video card, born with the nickname Napalm 6000 SUX, risen from the ashes of the prototype 3dfx Voodoo 5 6000 agp, completed and made perfectly functional, is now in its second revision. .

    Special Unified Xcelerator 6000 is the name of the new Limited Edition created by Anthony.

    But where does the name S.U.X. 6000 come from, or what does it refer to?

    Remember the 1987 Robocop Movie?

    Some references:

    "Big is back. Because bigger is better!" :spitze:

    The Limited Edition will have a serial number starting from 700001 to 700015.

    Future series of the video card will start with the 700016 series.

    You will find more information in the New Developer Interview posted in this New Thread:

    Snow White - the New AGP 2x version of the Voodoo 5 6000 by Anthony! With the heart managed by the technology invented by 3dfx over 21 years ago.

    In the comparison photo, you can see some new features, such as:

    A new PCI-E power connector

    A Junper placed under the PCI-E power supply

    The possibility of supporting a double Chip Bios

    A Junper for the selection of the Bios

    The PCI slot compatible with the 33 and 66 Mhz standard

    These are just some of the differences that can be detected by a visual inspection.

    We look forward to the official announcement of the Developer which will take place on its dedicated page:


    S.U.X. 6000 Installation Manual:


    Further updates will be added to this post.

    Best Regards. :)

    Hallo zusammen,

    Dank des Entwicklers Anthony und seines gesamten Arbeitsteams ist die neue Version der Grafikkarte, die mit dem Spitznamen Napalm 6000 SUX geboren wurde, aus der Asche des Prototyps 3dfx Voodoo 5 6000 agp auferstanden, vervollständigt und perfekt funktionsfähig gemacht worden und befindet sich nun in ihrer zweiten Überarbeitung.

    Special Unified Xcelerator 6000 ist der Name der neuen Limited Edition von Anthony.

    Aber woher kommt der Name S.U.X. 6000, oder worauf bezieht er sich?

    Erinnern Sie sich an den Robocop-Film von 1987?

    Einige Referenzen:



    "Big is back. Because bigger is better!" :spitze:

    Die Limited Edition wird eine Seriennummer haben, die von 700001 bis 700015 reicht.

    Zukünftige Serien der Grafikkarte werden mit der Serie 700016 beginnen.

    Weitere Informationen finden Sie im neuen Entwickler-Interview, das in diesem neuen Thread veröffentlicht wurde:

    Snow White - die neue AGP 2x Version der Voodoo 5 6000 von Anthony! Mit dem Herz, das durch die von 3dfx vor über 21 Jahren erfundene Technologie verwaltet wird.

    Auf dem Vergleichsfoto kann man einige neue Features sehen, wie z.B.:

    Ein neuer PCI-E-Stromanschluss

    Ein Junper, der unter der PCI-E-Stromversorgung platziert ist

    Die Möglichkeit, ein Doppel-Chip-Bios zu unterstützen

    Ein Junper für die Auswahl des Bios

    Der PCI-Steckplatz ist mit dem 33- und 66-Mhz-Standard kompatibel

    Dies sind nur einige der Unterschiede, die bei einer visuellen Inspektion festgestellt werden können.

    Wir freuen uns auf die offizielle Ankündigung des Entwicklers, die auf seiner speziellen Seite erfolgen wird:


    S.U.X. 6000 Installationshandbuch:


    Weitere Aktualisierungen werden zu diesem Beitrag hinzugefügt.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen. :)

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    P.S. All negative, positive criticisms, comments, different thoughts are welcome, but with a constructive purpose, SERIAL HATEERS are NOT welcome and are requested to comment in private, I will be able to answer them without polluting the thread, this is because the "Vase is Full of 'Water "and we must avoid dropping it on the ground, thank you.

    P.S. Alle negativen, positiven Kritiken, Kommentare, verschiedene Gedanken sind willkommen, aber mit einem konstruktiven Zweck, SERIENHASSER sind NICHT willkommen und werden gebeten, privat zu kommentieren, ich werde in der Lage sein, sie zu beantworten, ohne den Thread zu verschmutzen, dies ist, weil die "Vase ist voll von 'Wasser "und wir müssen vermeiden, es auf den Boden fallen, danke.

  • Looks pretty awesome again, just even better.

    One question: Switching to a 6-pin PCIe power connector... mh, I suppose this has been done because he expects people to plug the card into modern systems? Or maybe old systems with modern power supplies? Just wondering what the idea behind it was, as it's just a (very tiny) bit less universal.


    Stolzer Besitzer eines 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP Prototypen:

    • 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP HiNT Rev.A-3700

    [//wp.xin.at] - No RISC, no fun!

    QotY: Girls Love, BEST Love; 2018 - Lo and behold, for it is the third Coming; The third great Year of Yuri, citric as it may be! Edit: 2019 wasn't too bad either... Edit: 2020... holy crap, we're on a roll here~♡! Edit: 2024, finally last year's dry spell is over!

    Quote Bier.jpg@IRC 2020: "Je schlimmer der Fetisch, desto besser!"

  • Looks pretty awesome again, just even better.

    One question: Switching to a 6-pin PCIe power connector... mh, I suppose this has been done because he expects people to plug the card into modern systems? Or maybe old systems with modern power supplies? Just wondering what the idea behind it was, as it's just a (very tiny) bit less universal.

    It is my thought, but I think your hypotheses can be correct, both because tests have been carried out, with the previous version, on more modern chipsets and motherboards, I look for the various Bugs and remedies, so we also talk about the longevity of the card and future compatibility with current and new power supplies, which may no longer have a mollex connector available.

    Again, it's my thought, maybe Anthony will be able to clarify this aspect better;)

  • The main question is:

    Should we use the spare chips for buildung and creating new cards based on the VSA100, or should we use these spares in order to repair defect original cards?

    "Du bist und bleibst a Mensch und du kannst eben net deine menschlichkeit überwinden."


  • It depends. On things like versatility, longevity and also historical / ideological value (which is often perceived subjectively) as well as the planned number of cards to build.

    Besides being more versatile, I am under the impression that Anthony's design is also safer. Safer in the sense that it won't die as easily as does the original 3dfx-designed card. That could (correct me if I'm wrong) mean that the new designs might use up less spare parts - of which we have a limited quantity(how many?) - over time to keep them operational as when compared to the originals. The rest's a function over time I guess.

    Given that Anthony isn't planning to build a ton of those cards but just a handful (again: correct me if I'm wrong), I'm all for it.


    Stolzer Besitzer eines 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP Prototypen:

    • 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP HiNT Rev.A-3700

    [//wp.xin.at] - No RISC, no fun!

    QotY: Girls Love, BEST Love; 2018 - Lo and behold, for it is the third Coming; The third great Year of Yuri, citric as it may be! Edit: 2019 wasn't too bad either... Edit: 2020... holy crap, we're on a roll here~♡! Edit: 2024, finally last year's dry spell is over!

    Quote Bier.jpg@IRC 2020: "Je schlimmer der Fetisch, desto besser!"

    Edited once, last by GrandAdmiralThrawn (May 6, 2021 at 6:51 PM).

  • The main question is:

    Should we use the spare chips for buildung and creating new cards based on the VSA100, or should we use these spares in order to repair defect original cards?

    Reading your question as a Collector, small, but still 3dfx collector, I would tell you that it would be better to use the components currently left over for future repairs. At the same time, still as a collector, I have secured a small handful of chips, two for each copy I have, for future repairs. Once this is done, and here I also reply to GrandAdmiralThrawn , seeing and knowing that it will not be a mass production, but a few copies, I answer you: for me there is nothing wrong, I agree.

    Then, this is my point of view, you can agree, or not.

  • Hmm I see the 6 pic PCI-E Power Connector, actually a neat idea since most PSU's of today won't have Molex, also like the Universal PCI 2.3 connector this would of been a better choice for the card that uses the molex connector as well, good like putting that in a PCI-X /PCI 64 Biit slot, it won't ever fit, you need two notches in the PCI Connector if wanting to take advantage of the 66Mhz Bus ina 64 Bit PCI Slot set to 32Bit 66Mhz.

    The connectors V2's used would not work in 64Bit slots as they were missing a notch on the left part of the PCI Connector.
    But I do look forward to how people experience this card in various system setups.

    Nice work Anthony :)

  • really nice Job

    only Idea that I have is to extend the PCB to full lenght so it fits in a standard holder without the plastik "spoiler"

    and on the more PCB

    I don't know, it would be fine for Old-Case Standard, even desktop, but for more modern cases, as this card is developed and tested even on newer hardware, there may be problems.

    Let's see what Anthony thinks ;)

  • Great work and improvement !!!

    i love the ideea to print the 3dfx logo in gold :)

    The construction in safer in my opinion than the original cards, and we can use the new cards in new system without any doubt and worries.

    in this way we keep the orginal safes.

    P.S. Wait for the 256mb revision with pci x connector :)

  • alright, alright. been quite busy a while.

    i see some worthwhile proposals here.

    in common, comrade ciacara72 gave quite a correct interpretation of my intentions.

    time to announce a new revision has not come yet, so no comments from my side.

    some great material regarding this card is upcoming.

    and will share some. have assembled bespoked card with a 320 chips, what a beast. so pity that i can't solder these on every card as i dreamed about.

  • My guess is that many "hoarders" bought those chips to what I am thinking, or not many were made, either way makes me wonder of a VSA-101 Daytona Voodoo5 6000 design would be possible with 4x VSA-101 Daytona & 4x 64MB 128Bit DDR, that was a dream I had some time back hah xD

  • My guess is that many "hoarders" bought those chips to what I am thinking, or not many were made, either way makes me wonder of a VSA-101 Daytona Voodoo5 6000 design would be possible with 4x VSA-101 Daytona & 4x 64MB 128Bit DDR, that was a dream I had some time back hah

    that happened about 1.5 years ago to a 320 chips. and that happened a quite earlier to a daytona chips. i was not smart enough to make some reserve, sic.

  • 256mb :) its just crazy, im impressed.

    the next step would be 512mb :) that is the max supported by VSA !

    A dream come true !!!

    And this reality I hope to have at least once in my hands ...:love:

    Amazing! Der Hammer!

    Aber für mich wahrscheinlich immer unerreichbar :D

    For now, I'm watching this wonder from afar too ... :mauer: :)