Bunte V5 6k Nachbauten Sammelanfrage bis 12.12.2021 (ehmals: Roter V5 6000 Nachbau von Antony Sammelanfrage.)
so far working hard on cards assembly. and have some progress on the box design. so the cards will come in these boxes:
Strange Good Agp and Pci series! (v5-6k)
it's free, no extra charge.
Awesome, the boxes look great!
Thats some awesome Work. Great Boxes
Awesome, the boxes look great!
looks like i've got almost all i need to make the cards. and all the reds and greens will be ready next week. blacks postponed a little bit.
and regarding the boxes, if someone is needs "classic" v56k box, pls inquire its author: https://www.facebook.com/N19h7m4r3
i've asked him, and he's ready to provide. not for free, for sure.
Hey Anthony that are good news! I have a question tough. There were some bad cards. Can you check the new cards if there are some production errors on them? And maybe a longer then normal last test? (maybe 48h UT timedemo loop on 4xAA + 1024x768) I think that would be a good thing! there is nothing worse then when new expensive Hardware burns up in front of you
I know you do a very good support.
I Think it would be a good Idea if you could send the Cards to one person per Color here in Germany who we can trust (maybe Backfire/Löschzwerg/S2 Sedan?)?
Or something like that. I think that would put down the shipment costs. Maybe put 4 Cards in a Box. Shipment from 200 USD --> 100 USD
looks like i've got almost all i need to make the cards. and all the reds and greens will be ready next week.
Very exciting update!
Still planning my "Green Machine" build but feeling very lucky
Hey Anthony that are good news! I have a question tough. There were some bad cards. Can you check the new cards if there are some production errors on them? And maybe a longer then normal last test? (maybe 48h UT timedemo loop on 4xAA + 1024x768) I think that would be a good thing! there is nothing worse then when new expensive Hardware burns up in front of you
I know you do a very good support.
I Think it would be a good Idea if you could send the Cards to one person per Color here in Germany who we can trust (maybe Backfire/Löschzwerg/S2 Sedan?)?
Or something like that. I think that would put down the shipment costs. Maybe put 4 Cards in a Box. Shipment from 200 USD --> 100 USD
i'll consider your proposals. not sure if your customs will pass several identical boxes which look like new items with very low declared value.
It's just a idea. but you might be right with the new looking ...
Alle Karten an eine Person schicken wird definitv Probleme beim Zoll machen.
Einzeln werden die warscheinlich ohne Probleme durchkommen, daher würde ich es auf jeden Fall bei direktversand an die jeweiligen Käufer belassen.
Sending all cards to one person will definitely cause problems at customs.
Individually, they will probably get through without any problems, so I would definitely leave it at direct shipment to the respective buyers.
Als Bausatz versenden
what are your experiences on german customs offices? Mine are: unpacking the goods in front of the officer and showing the bill/payment evidence. => paying customs and taxes based on declared value+shipping. Therefore it might be a good idea to split the payment: one according to the declared value and one for anthonys coffee box. (Otherwise you need to pay tax on anthonys tip)
what are your experiences on german customs offices? Mine are: unpacking the goods in front of the officer and showing the bill/payment evidence. => paying customs and taxes based on declared value+shipping. Therefore it might be a good idea to split the payment: one according to the declared value and one for anthonys coffee box. (Otherwise you need to pay tax on anthonys tip)
some people doing exactly the same way, i mean payment split
My custom fee 2 days ago was 4,20 EUR + 6,00 EUR for „customs handling“… 🤨
Guys, I dont mean it by any offence, but please dont let us talk about tax avoiding methods officially here. Even authorities are able to use google and if a lot of packages will arrive from abroad from one certain origin they might give it try to double check for taxing.
Recht hat er! Politik gehört woanders hin.
Always send packages as a gift it's that simple and you can avoid these problems.
important question to those who want the card in the color box. i've got some from the print shop and found that i wrongly ordered it with matte finish. was intended to be glossy.
the drawback is in less contrast, that's the example:
so, what you say, should i reorder?
Anthony did you notice that the pictures on the left have the same text twice "Strange God delivers all the power, ..." ?