Bunte V5 6k Nachbauten Sammelanfrage bis 12.12.2021 (ehmals: Roter V5 6000 Nachbau von Antony Sammelanfrage.)

  • Die Karte wird auf ein MSI K7T266 Pro2-RU, recapped von Backfire kommen.

    Das Board ist zufällig Heute auch fertig geworden und sollte Anfang nächster Woche bei mir eintreffen.

    The card will be going on a MSI K7T266 Pro2-RU, recapped from Backfire.

    The board happened to be finished today as well and should arrive next week.

  • Die Karte wird auf ein MSI K7T266 Pro2-RU, recapped von Backfire kommen.

    Das Board ist zufällig Heute auch fertig geworden und sollte Anfang nächster Woche bei mir eintreffen.

    The card will be going on a MSI K7T266 Pro2-RU, recapped from Backfire.

    The board happened to be finished today as well and should arrive next week.

    Dann bin gespannt was du berichtest :)

  • Die Karte ist angekommen und sieht noch geiler aus als auf den Fotos!

    The card arrived and looks even more awesome than in the photos!


    Looking very Red Hmm ATi Voodoo5 6000 AGP 256MB jk xD:topmodel:
    The red PCB looks nice but weird at the same time, grats though :)

    So how does shipping from Russia go now even despite the war with Ukraine, can shipments from Russia still reach the EU boarders without any issues or is there always a risk?

    Did you get the Strange God AGP box with it as well? if so got pics of that one with the card? a photo of the rear would also be cool if that i s okay tho :)

  • My card was sent on 25 February, when there were no sanctions against Russia. I asked to send the card right after the war started, because I didn't know if it would arrive at all and it probably wouldn't get any easier. I can't say whether the mail from Russia still arrives now. The package was in any case longer on the road than my other cards from Anthony.

    The box was not yet ready when my card was shipped, so unfortunately I did not get it. But that's not so bad, the main thing is that the card arrived. I can also get the box later. (I hope at least)

    Edited once, last by Maniac81 (March 18, 2022 at 9:59 PM).

  • My card was sent on 25 February, when there were no sanctions against Russia. I asked to send the card right after the war started, because I didn't know if it would arrive at all and it probably wouldn't get any easier. I can't say whether the mail from Russia still arrives now. The package was in any case longer on the road than my other cards from Anthony.

    The box was not yet ready when my card was shipped, so unfortunately I did not get it. But that's not so bad, the main thing is that the card arrived. I can also get the box later. (I hope at least)

    OOh oke well yea you got lucky then nice card still, just weird seeing a Red Voodoo5 60000 lmao xD Still gotta get used to seeing red Vudu's xD

  • Can I ask who did not get their card from the „collective order“ here?

    Maybe we can figure something out together to make the sendings and the payment at least a little more easy?

    Call me a pessimist but I don’t think that the situation (and with that I mean the sanctions, not the situation in the ukraine itself) will get any better soon…

    Voodoo: Athlon XP-2800+ auf MSI KT3-Ultra 2, 1GB DDR, Voodoo 5 5500 AGP, SB Audigy Platinum EX, Win98SE
    Voodoo²: Athlon XP-2400+ auf MSI K7T266Pro2, 1GB DDR, Nvidia GF3TI500 und Voodoo 2 SLI, SB Audigy 2ZS, Win98SE

    Mainsys: Ryzen 5-3600 auf Asus Prime B350-Plus, 32GB DDR4 3200, RTX2070, Win 11

    Midrange: 2x Xeon 3,2GHz Dell Precision 450, 3GB DDR, ATI HD3850 AGP, SB X-Fi mit Frontpanel, WinXP

  • I have not received my card yet. I think the shippment works, we just need a payment option.

    Edit: But I also have no problem to wait, hopefully the situation will improve soon.

    Main System: Intel Core i7 8700K \ ASUS Z370-F \ EVGA GeForce RTX 3090\ 32GB TridentZ DDR4-3200 \ Corsair MP400 2TB SSD

    Retro System1: AMD Athlon T-Bird 1400MHz \ GA-7DX \ V5 5500 AGP \ 2x 256MB DDR1 Infineon \ 2x Maxtor Fireball 3 40GB (Raid 0)

    Retro System2: AMD Athlon XP-m 2600+ \ EpoX 8K5A2+ \ StrangeGod AGP v5 6k \ 2x 512MB Corsair CMX512 \ 2x WD400 40GB

    Edited once, last by CyberShot97 (March 23, 2022 at 9:19 AM).

  • Same for me and Strauchdieb. Maybe there is a possibility for the payment. At the moment, Anthony is collecting some informations about this.

    - hier könnte Ihre Signatur stehen -

  • Hat jemand schonmal den Zahlungsanbieter "Trustly" genutzt? Quellen im Netz zufolge soll damit ein Geldtransfer nach Russland weiterhin möglich sein, wenn man die Funktion "an eine Telefonnummer senden" nutzt.

    Ich denke man sollte schnellstmöglich einen noch funktionierenden Service finden. Der Krieg wird nicht morgen vorbei sein und die Sanktionen sicher auf lange Sicht auch nicht weniger.

    Voodoo: Athlon XP-2800+ auf MSI KT3-Ultra 2, 1GB DDR, Voodoo 5 5500 AGP, SB Audigy Platinum EX, Win98SE
    Voodoo²: Athlon XP-2400+ auf MSI K7T266Pro2, 1GB DDR, Nvidia GF3TI500 und Voodoo 2 SLI, SB Audigy 2ZS, Win98SE

    Mainsys: Ryzen 5-3600 auf Asus Prime B350-Plus, 32GB DDR4 3200, RTX2070, Win 11

    Midrange: 2x Xeon 3,2GHz Dell Precision 450, 3GB DDR, ATI HD3850 AGP, SB X-Fi mit Frontpanel, WinXP

  • Noch nicht versucht.

    Ich hatte einen indischen Arbeitskollegen gefragt, der hatte noch zwei weitere Zahlungsdienstleister ins Rennen geworfen: transferwise und remitly.

    Aber auch hier keinerlei Erfahrung... Man müsste sich mal abstimmen und versuche eine anzahlung zu senden.

    Ich werde die Frage auch nochmal den Arbeitskollegen in China stellen.

  • Stimmt, China wäre ne Idee, dort habe ich auch Arbeitskollegen.

    Voodoo: Athlon XP-2800+ auf MSI KT3-Ultra 2, 1GB DDR, Voodoo 5 5500 AGP, SB Audigy Platinum EX, Win98SE
    Voodoo²: Athlon XP-2400+ auf MSI K7T266Pro2, 1GB DDR, Nvidia GF3TI500 und Voodoo 2 SLI, SB Audigy 2ZS, Win98SE

    Mainsys: Ryzen 5-3600 auf Asus Prime B350-Plus, 32GB DDR4 3200, RTX2070, Win 11

    Midrange: 2x Xeon 3,2GHz Dell Precision 450, 3GB DDR, ATI HD3850 AGP, SB X-Fi mit Frontpanel, WinXP

  • as i have some more projects in mind and i have to pay to chinese pcb manufacturer and ic chips supplier there's a way to pay via paypal on my deposit in these companies. i guess i can accept payment for 1-2 cards in such a way. this means you pay via paypal to a certain paypal address like pcbway and i ask them to accept this payment into my account.

  • there is also the question, if we can manage it to bring the cards to Germany. Strauchdieb´s 6k is still stuck, no update of the tracking since 1st of April

    - hier könnte Ihre Signatur stehen -