V56K bald Commodityware :-D

  • That's... an interesting idea!

    (I'm still secretly hoping that nVidia would revive the "Ultra" brand of cards)


    Stolzer Besitzer eines 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP Prototypen:

    • 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP HiNT Rev.A-3700

    [//wp.xin.at] - No RISC, no fun!

    QotY: Girls Love, BEST Love; 2018 - Lo and behold, for it is the third Coming; The third great Year of Yuri, citric as it may be! Edit: 2019 wasn't too bad either... Edit: 2020... holy crap, we're on a roll here~♡!

    Quote Bier.jpg@IRC 2020: "Je schlimmer der Fetisch, desto besser!"

  • Voodoo5 6000 Remastered is what I would vote on as well, it does seem far more professional.
    Point taken there GrandAdmiralThrawn :spitze:
    Then again How many times has n-Greedia stole from others, even using the Ultra name ATi also used this for their Rage 128 Ultra as well as XGI did for their Volari Ultra cards.

    Ultra is a common word used by many, not something n-Greedia can even claim, Voodoo5 6000 Ultra might just do it.

    or Voodoo5 6000 Redux, they have a Voodoo5 6000 bios after all.

  • Does nVidia even have any trademarks on "Ultra"? I didn't even think about that, but that might be the case, huh.


    Stolzer Besitzer eines 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP Prototypen:

    • 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP HiNT Rev.A-3700

    [//wp.xin.at] - No RISC, no fun!

    QotY: Girls Love, BEST Love; 2018 - Lo and behold, for it is the third Coming; The third great Year of Yuri, citric as it may be! Edit: 2019 wasn't too bad either... Edit: 2020... holy crap, we're on a roll here~♡!

    Quote Bier.jpg@IRC 2020: "Je schlimmer der Fetisch, desto besser!"

  • Does nVidia even have any trademarks on "Ultra"? I didn't even think about that, but that might be the case, huh.

    Well they probably have, you know how they are, their ego is strong so even the smallest things they will be assholes about it.
    But it might be worth looking in to?

    other names that came to mind were these:

    Voodoo5-2 6500 AGP/PCI 128MB
    Voodoo5-2 6500 Ultra AGP/PCI 256MB
    Napalm Pro 6000 AGP/PCI 128MB
    Napalm Ultra 6000 AGP/PCI 256MB

    The -2 was used as the second design for the Daytona based V4-2's so I thought why not use V5-2 for the Multi Chip VSA-100 redux cards?
    if I can come up with more names I'll let ya know.
    A name needs to be simple yet functional.

  • Yeah, why not put up a poll? If the options to choose from are already set in stone, why not? I think I'd go for the "Voodoo 5 6000 Remastered" name, sounds clean and professional to me. "Snow White" is real nice of course, but only makes sense for the actually white version.

    Voodoo5 6000 Redux, they have a Voodoo5 6000 bios after all.

    other names that came to mind were these:

    Voodoo5-2 6500 AGP/PCI 128MB
    Voodoo5-2 6500 Ultra AGP/PCI 256MB
    Napalm Pro 6000 AGP/PCI 128MB
    Napalm Ultra 6000 AGP/PCI 256MB


    Was die sprachlich-kulturelle Frage betrifft, so stimme ich Ihnen zu. Das ist der Grund dafür, dass internationale Filme, die weltweit vertrieben werden, "andere Titel" erhalten. Das Land ändert sich, die Sprache/Kultur ändert sich, der Titel des Films ändert sich, ebenso wie der Inhalt einiger Dialoge.

    Ich kann auch die 3dfx-Gemeinde verstehen, die sich durch diese Entscheidung beleidigt fühlen könnte. Ursprünglich war es ein Krieg, der im Moment abgeklungen zu sein scheint, aber unter der Asche brennt meiner Meinung nach immer noch etwas Feuer...aber ich könnte mich irren.

    Man bedenke, dass die Wahl des Namens S.U.X. 6000, gepaart mit dem ursprünglichen RoboCop-Filmplakat, das später umgestaltet wurde, seinerzeit von Protesten und Angriffen begleitet war. Anfänglich wurde sie von Hassern ausgenutzt, auch aus diesen Gründen. Damals war es Anthony, der SEHR, SEHR wütend war. Jetzt, wo das Produkt zu schätzen beginnt und eine gewisse Verbreitung findet, möchten diejenigen, die es kaufen möchten, wenn sie es nicht schon haben, und es vielleicht immer noch als beleidigend lesen, ihm einen Namen geben, der keine "Assonanzen" enthält, die missverstanden werden können. Sie gehören nicht dazu, GrandAdmiralThrawn , zumindest nach dem, was ich weiß und gelesen habe.

    Was Ihre Ausbildung angeht, so weiß ich nicht, wie alt Sie sind, aber ich verstehe, dass Sie eine Person sind, die eine gute Ausbildung genossen hat. Ich wäre beleidigt, wenn mich jemand "Scheiße, komm her" oder "Ich bringe dich um" oder besser "Du bist eine Scheiße" nennen würde, denn das gehört nicht zu meiner Sprache, zu der Ausbildung, die ich erhalten und meinen Kindern gegeben habe, auch wenn sie sich gut in den Slang der heutigen Jugend integriert haben. Aber es ist jetzt die Norm, junge Leute so reden zu hören, Jungen oder Mädchen, und sie werden die zukünftigen Sammler in 20 Jahren sein, auch wenn das Produkt jetzt auf den Markt kommt, sie werden nicht schockiert sein, sie werden nicht über die verschiedenen Missverständnisse nachdenken, für sie wird etwas, das so brutal ist, wie diejenigen, die es so meinen, auch wenn es nicht so ist, eine Videokarte "Scheiße" zu nennen, lustig sein, so wie wir über das Poster gelacht haben, das Marlon gepostet hat. Einem Mädchen zu sagen, du bist eine "tolle Fotze", ist wie ein Kompliment, auch wenn es eine sexistische Beleidigung ist.

    Wie auch immer, der "Cute, Underrated and Nice Triangulator" hat mich zum Lachen gebracht, meine Vermutung ist, dass es eine neue Version für den 1. April 2022 sein wird ;)8o

    Wir werden sehen, was der Entwickler entscheidet, in der Zwischenzeit könnten wir die Umfrage starten.

    Ich habe den Namen, die ich zuvor geschrieben habe, nichts hinzuzufügen. Wenn ihr mehr schreiben wollt, wie Marlons Beispiel, die "Voodoo 5 6000 Ultra", oder Gold Leader / DerBiber Namen, damit wir ein Bild von der Situation haben.

    Ich würde sagen, dass die Zeit, um Namen hinzuzufügen, bis Sonntag, den 01.09.2022 abends ausreicht, um die Liste zu vervollständigen:

    * Legend 21

    * V5 6K remastered

    * Glide Master 6000

    * Project_6K

    * FX4-128

    * Snow White (used for AGP version)

    * Voodoo 5 6000 Ultra

    * Voodoo5 6000 Redux

    * Voodoo5-2 6500 AGP/PCI 128MB

    * Voodoo5-2 6500 Ultra AGP/PCI 256MB

    * Napalm Pro 6000 AGP/PCI 128MB

    * Napalm Ultra 6000 AGP/PCI 256MB

    * Anthony 6000

    * A6K

    Dann starten wir die Umfrage in diesem oder einem anderen Thread.

    Was die Frage des "Creature Name" angeht, so ist das nicht meine Entscheidung, sondern die der betroffenen Person, Anthony .

    On the linguistic-cultural issue, I agree with you. It is the reason for giving "different titles" to international films that are distributed worldwide. The country changes, the language/culture changes, the title of the film changes, as well as some dialogue content.

    On part of the 3dfx community, who might feel offended by this choice, I can also understand. Initially it was a war that, for now, seems to have died down, but under the ashes there is still some fire ready to burn, in my opinion...but I could be wrong.

    Consider that the choice of the name S.U.X. 6000, paired with the original RoboCop movie poster, later re-adapted, was taken at the time, of protest and attacks. Initially exploited by haters, also for these reasons. Back then it was Anthony who was VERY, VERY pissed off. Now that the product is starting to be appreciated and is getting some circulation, those who would like to buy it, if they haven't already, and maybe still read it as offensive, would like to give it a name that doesn't have "assonances" that can be misunderstood. You're not among them GrandAdmiralThrawn , at least from what I remember and have read.

    As for the education you received, I don't know your age but I understand that you are a person who received a worthy education, I would be offended if someone called me "shit come here" or "I'll kill you" or better "you're a shit", because it's not part of my language, of the education I received and gave to my children, even if they have integrated well in the slang of today's youth. But it's now the norm to hear young people talk like this, boys or girls, and they will be the future collectors in 20 years, even if the product is launched now, they won't be shocked, they won't think about the various misunderstandings, for them something that brutally, as those who mean it that way, even if it's not, call a video card "crap" will be funny, just as we laughed at the poster that Marlon posted. Saying to a girl, you're such a "great cunt", is like paying her a compliment, even if it is a sexist insult.

    Anyway the "Cute, Underrated and Nice Triangulator" made me laugh, my guess is that it will be a new release for 1 April 2022 ;)8o

    We'll see what the developer decides, in the meantime we could start the poll.

    I have nothing to add to the names I wrote before. If you want to write more, like Marlon's example, the "Voodoo 5 6000 Ultra", or Gold Leader / DerBiber names, so that we have a picture of the situation.

    I would say that taking time, to add names, until Sunday 09/01/2022 evening is enough time to complete the list:

    • Legend 21
    • V5 6K remastered
    • Glide Master 6000
    • Project_6K
    • FX4-128
    • Snow White (used for AGP version)
    • Voodoo 5 6000 Ultra
    • Voodoo5 6000 Redux
    • Voodoo5-2 6500 AGP/PCI 128MB
    • Voodoo5-2 6500 Ultra AGP/PCI 256MB
    • Napalm Pro 6000 AGP/PCI 128MB
    • Napalm Ultra 6000 AGP/PCI 256MB
    • Anthony 6000
    • A6K

    Then we start the poll in this or another thread.

    As for the "Creature Name" issue, that's not my decision, it takes input from the person concerned, Anthony .

  • Yeah, me personally, I was never really offended or anything. Surprised I'd say I was, but not really offended. I understand why some people would be, but that's a different thing! Not sure if I got that across right. Takes a lot more to actually offend me (Or so I hope at least). ;)

    Also I tried to be both funny and highly offensive at the same time with the cute triangulator, may coming generations forgive my intentional rudeness. 8o

    About the language of our youth I agree. But to be honest, it was always like that. It was just a different terminology for when I was a kid (in my 40s now), but we were rude, uncivilized brats as much as they are today. Heck, "old people" have been complaining about the young ones misbehaving and using rude language back when the Roman Republic was still a thing, this stuff isn't gonna change anytime soon. It'll be the same for their children when the time comes. ;)


    Stolzer Besitzer eines 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP Prototypen:

    • 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP HiNT Rev.A-3700

    [//wp.xin.at] - No RISC, no fun!

    QotY: Girls Love, BEST Love; 2018 - Lo and behold, for it is the third Coming; The third great Year of Yuri, citric as it may be! Edit: 2019 wasn't too bad either... Edit: 2020... holy crap, we're on a roll here~♡!

    Quote Bier.jpg@IRC 2020: "Je schlimmer der Fetisch, desto besser!"

  • Voodoo 5 6000+

    RGSSAA Monster

    Voodoo 5 Quattro/Quadro - formaggi^^


    V5 longusbrettus

    Voodoo 5 Quattro calcolatrici

    Voodoo 5 Superglider

    V5 Napalm-Attack

    V5 Nuclear Strike/Attack

    V5 four fists against edges

    oh Gott ich könnte hier jetzt ewig weiter quatsch schreiben. am besten nach drei Bier.

    okay, einen hab ich noch:

    Voodoo 5 HEL

    in Anlehnung an Lokis Tochter Hel, die Herrscherin/Göttin über alles Tote und Untote (in diesem Falle 3dfx Karten die immernoch laufen), aus der Nordischen Mythologie.

    Dazu könnte man auch eine saugeile Schachtel designen im 3dfx Gesicht Stil mit Einer schwarzen Königin auf einem düsteren Friedhof mit ihrer Armee von untoten 3dfx Karten im Hintergrund welche aus den Gräbern aufsteigen.


  • Hmm maybe if an admin or Moderator cuts the name poll posts to a new thread, so this topic can maintain it's on topic course 8)

    In the end these reverse engineered cards Anthony has made are his work, so I do think that Anthony should allow us to make a topic like that or left alone decide what the final name will be.

    We must also respect his choice if he would not want this.

  • Deutsch

    Dante Alighieri

    Inferno - Canto III

    Entnommen aus der "Divina Commedia"

    *"Die Gerechtigkeit hat meinen hohen Schöpfer (Gott) handeln lassen: göttliche Macht (Vater), höchste Weisheit (Sohn) und erste Liebe (Heiliger Geist) haben mich geschaffen. Vor mir wurde nichts anderes geschaffen als das Ewige, und ich werde ewig bestehen. Gebt alle Hoffnung auf, ihr, die ihr hier eintretet."

    Liebe Fans, obwohl eine Umfrage durchgeführt wird, solltet ihr wissen, dass der Kreatur bereits ein Name gegeben wurde.

    Wenn Anthony und sein Team in dieser Hinsicht keine Änderungen vornehmen, ist die Entscheidung bereits gefallen.

    Es scheint, dass die Entscheidung schon vor einiger Zeit bei der Einführung des Original Packs auf Modlabs getroffen wurde.


    Dante Alighieri

    Inferno - Canto III

    Taken from the "Divina Commedia"

    • "Justice has made my high Creator (God) act: divine power (Father), supreme wisdom (Son) and first love (Holy Spirit) have made me. Nothing was created before me but the eternal, and I will endure forever. Give up all hope, you who enter here."

    Dear fans, although a poll is being conducted, know that the creature has already been given a name.

    Unless Anthony and his team make changes in this regard, the decision has already been made.

    It seems that the decision was made some time ago when the original pack was launched on Modlabs.


  • I didn't read in this thread for long time, but this conversation about naming products is pretty interesting.

    Just to give another example (which just goes in the same rabbit hole):

    Back then in the 80's when Commodore announced there VIC-20 series (maybe you don't know, it was basically the pre-decessor of the C64).
    They decided to name it "VC-20" just for the german (or even european, iirc) market.

    The reason:
    VIC - pronounced 'wick' or 'fick' sounds like a nasty word in german. In addition the number 20 sounded for germans like "fick 20" and that's some stuff for other websites (you know the kind of websites).

    The strange thing (which is on contrast to @GAT who spoke about nerdy tech industries in the 90s):
    they decided to rename a product in the 80's. But they did.

    (just be clear , for non-german speakers: fick in german translates to *uck in english)

    And i'm perfectly fine with the name, i thought only, maybe the storie (fun fact about commodore) is interesting.
    The success of the "VIC-20" and after it the C64 was unbroken no matter which name or which thoughts are implied with the name.
    => so will be the success and attention which this product right here

    IBM ThinkpadX31 der kleine Pinguin für unterwegs
    2x AMD Opteron 246 (ehm. 244er) 4 GB RAM, Tyan K8W Tiger eine "Troye" Linux Workstation für den Power-User,Debian, 7 3.2.0-4 amd64
    Thinkpad 760ED, Win 3.11 für Unterwegs.
    achja: GA-7IXE4 Sockel A Board, Voodoo 5 5500. Die LAN Schlampe, eines Tages bekommt sie anständiges Zuhause.
    Gigabyte-G5AA, Matrox G450DualHead, AMD K6-2, Terratec EWS64XL (64MB RAM) - Keyboard MIDI Workstation

    Nur ein Klassiker ist'n Klassiker. 3dfx und BMW

  • Actually... That association never occurred to me for the VIC-20. :spitze: Pretty funny. I was reminded of the Raider -> Twix rename, those famous twin chocolate bars. It was named "Raider" in Europe only as far as I know. Supposedly this was to a.) mainstream everything globally and b.) not have the word "Raider" stuck on a product that was also being sold in English-speaking countries and to minors, as there are bad connotations there. Strangely enough the Brits never complained about it, or at least not that I could remember. But then again, that's the Brits, polite on the surface, and full of rude and dark humor down below. :topmodel:

    PS.: I never had the VIC-20, my computation life started with the C64.


    Stolzer Besitzer eines 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP Prototypen:

    • 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP HiNT Rev.A-3700

    [//wp.xin.at] - No RISC, no fun!

    QotY: Girls Love, BEST Love; 2018 - Lo and behold, for it is the third Coming; The third great Year of Yuri, citric as it may be! Edit: 2019 wasn't too bad either... Edit: 2020... holy crap, we're on a roll here~♡!

    Quote Bier.jpg@IRC 2020: "Je schlimmer der Fetisch, desto besser!"

  • Guys there are worse things, when Mr Cluny ( a RL friend of mine) & I were at the Home Computer Museum in Helmond, The Netherlands last year they had a Corona PC from 1984, which is this thing:

    Cluny & I Nicked it the Covid PC, it's logo even looks like a Covid-19 Cell.. I mean in 1983 they had these.. like tf dude :topmodel:

    This is a Corona PPC 400-22 from 1983

    So yea there are worse names, trust me :topmodel:
    More about them here

    And here the info page from the Home Computer Museum in Helmond, Noord Brabant, The Netherlands that place is retro paradise too!
    A friend of mine runs the place, aka Bart van de Akker, friendly and great guy too

    As S.U.X. 6000 goes if you know what it stands for it's less bad then right :)

  • The logo looks more like the corona of the sun than like a corona virus, actually.

    We are Microsoft of Borg. Assimilation is imminent. Resistance is... Error in Borg.dll. Press OK to abort.

  • The logo looks more like the corona of the sun than like a corona virus, actually.

    And now you ruined the fun by dryly making a matter-of-fact statement. You killjoy, you! :topmodel:


    Stolzer Besitzer eines 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP Prototypen:

    • 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP HiNT Rev.A-3700

    [//wp.xin.at] - No RISC, no fun!

    QotY: Girls Love, BEST Love; 2018 - Lo and behold, for it is the third Coming; The third great Year of Yuri, citric as it may be! Edit: 2019 wasn't too bad either... Edit: 2020... holy crap, we're on a roll here~♡!

    Quote Bier.jpg@IRC 2020: "Je schlimmer der Fetisch, desto besser!"

  • Well, erm, sorry? :P

    (I didn't know that talking about Corona viruses is still fun to anybody, though. I'm more and more annoyed by the topic. But keep going, I'll be quiet ;))

    We are Microsoft of Borg. Assimilation is imminent. Resistance is... Error in Borg.dll. Press OK to abort.

  • I didn't know that talking about Corona viruses is still fun to anybody, though.

    By that time, it's the only way to bear with it without going crazy.

    Ich werde mich von keinem einzzzigen Prozzzessor trennen.
    Jedoch lockt es mich beinahe, ihn Dir zu überlassen, nur um zu sehen, wie er Dich in den Wahnsinn treibt :evil:

    Meine Begehren