Backfire's Voodoo 4 4500 & 5 5500 - DVI Upgrade

  • That's interesting, what part was different then?

    This could mean you can do the same for 4500 AGP & PCI Users as well as 5500 AGP x4 owners these all can use DVI's as well.
    This actually opens a lot more solutions for owners of those cards as well, as I assume these cards have the exact same parts as my original V5 PCI Mac does have.

    All in all I'm glad it did some good use.

  • Sadly, the AGP PCBs of these cards have the DVI-Circuit removed from the board, so a DVI-Mod is not possible without much more modifications.

    that only counts for the AGP x2 models the AGP x4 models are quite similar you can basically solder on the missing parts.

    Here a photo of my old 2dfx V5 AGP x4 Rev.A2 3500:
    3dfx Voodoo5 5500 AGP x4 Rev_A2 3500 top.jpg 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 AGP x4 Rev_A2 3500 rear.jpg

    As the 5000 PCI goes adding the secondary D-Sub VGA pot could also be done:
    3dfx Voodoo5 5000 PCI 32MB Rev_A1 0900 Prototype Top aka Gold 3.JPG 3dfx Voodoo5 5000 PCI 32MB Rev_A1 0900 Prototype Rear aka Gold 3.JPG

    So I am assuming you mean the regular 5500 AGP x2 models, which are these:
    3dfx Voodoo5 5500 AGP 64MB Rev_A 1900 USA top.jpg 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 AGP 64MB Rev_A 1900 USA rear.jpg

    There aren't many cards I have not seen ion my life as the V5 AGP x4 boards go these can have DVI's applied to thm here a 5500 AGP DVI ES board from 3dfx it's self a Rev.A2 3300 to be exact:
    3dfx Voodoo 5 5500 AGP DVI Front.jpg 3dfx Voodoo 5 5500 AGP DVI Back.jpg

    So i think it can be done, this is proof that these did exist.
    3dfx Voodoo 5 5500 AGP DVI Side.jpg

  • Oh sorry, I didn't know that. If you have a bigger shot of the front and backside of the area, I can check if the layout is the same. I am quite sure the schematic of this area will be the same, only the layout could be different. If not, this mod is just the same as with the PCI. From these images it looks pretty similar, so it's very likely this can be done easily. But even if there are differences, since ive made a schematic while reverse-engineering the PCI for the mod, with some measurements on the card I can mod these cards, too.

    Adding the second VGA looks like an easy job hardware-wise, since the layout is copy-paste from the first. But it's hard to tell if a special driver is necessary for switching the signal.

    Edited 3 times, last by Physikant (March 23, 2022 at 7:31 AM).

  • Mein Zombie Mod von Anthony . Bei Bedarf kann ich bessere Bilder machen. Und das auf einer sehr seltenen AGP x4 Karte :topmodel:. Aber davon habe ich noch paar komplett originale. Hab diese Karte so gekauft mit den 320er Chips und dem DVI. Daneben der 0900er Prototyp ist auch sehr spannend.


    <33DFX<3 ... eine alte Liebe !

    Sehr stolzer Besitzer zweier 3dfx Voodoo 5 6000 !

    Dusty Voodoo !

    Edited once, last by Xion (March 23, 2022 at 12:00 PM).

  • Naja doch. Dies ist ja auch ein DVI Umbau von einer Karte die ohne zur Welt gekommen ist. Dachte nur vllt interessant von den Bauteilen her. Läuft aber perfekt mit dem Mod und ist sehr sauber von Anthony verarbeitet.

    <33DFX<3 ... eine alte Liebe !

    Sehr stolzer Besitzer zweier 3dfx Voodoo 5 6000 !

    Dusty Voodoo !

    Edited once, last by Xion (March 23, 2022 at 1:32 PM).

  • Ich revidiere meine Aussage zuvor.

    Es sah aus wie furchtbare Ausbrüche an der AGP Schnittstelle. Aber das sind die Träger wo die Karte drauf steht.

    Das habe ich eben auf dem Mobile nicht erkannt.

    Um jedoch die Durchführung der Lötarbeiten zu beurteilen ist die Bildqualität zu schwach.

    Sind sie ordentlich ausgeführt ist das weder eine Verunstaltung noch ein Zombie.

    Wennst es denn unbedingt so sehen und bezeichnen willst, Deine Meinung dazu ist nun hinreichend bekannt.

    - Backfire -

  • Ich meine das Zombie nicht böse :) Nenne auch eine Karte Frankensteins Monster aber ich habe sie alle ganz dolle lieb.

    Also bitte nicht das Zombie oder so falsch verstehen ;).

    Wollte nur sagen das ich auch so ein DVI Umbau besitze auf einer AGP x4 V5, was sicherlich auch spannend ist.

    Falls da mal ein Auftrag bei dir rein kommt ^^

    Liebe Grüße !

    <33DFX<3 ... eine alte Liebe !

    Sehr stolzer Besitzer zweier 3dfx Voodoo 5 6000 !

    Dusty Voodoo !

  • If you install -5 or -4 RAM the GPU sets the OC limits. Otherwise it's the -6 RAM that limits.

    64MB on a V4 is only of interest, if you like to convert it into a V4 4800.

    With 64MB a few games have compatibility issues. UT i.e. have some graphic glitches.

    But Q3 runs well.

    - Backfire -

  • Thats why Im asking, cus he also has rev320.

    For graphical glitches in glide(and more memory), Raziel ultimate 1.0.16 fixes them. Or just replacing the glide3.dll with the last build from that glide sourceforge project, or from koolsmoky(I forgot which one I used :D), but this one is a bit slower, than the old koolsmoky version present in Raziels pack (couldnt find a source anywhere for the old one :(, would love to have it ).

    And I went offtopic some more, so sry. Were here for brackets, dvi and babes :P

  • Oh, that's good information. Thanks :) :thumbup:

    With -320 GPUs you should go to -4 RAM.

    That's logical, of course. Little Volts Mod at the Power Supply and HQ Caps all over the Card is recommended for tune it up.

    Do you still have any questions about my Voodoo babes, DVI and brackets?


    - Backfire -

  • Just wondering what 3dfx had in mind with the Dual VGA idea, I mean Dual VGA 5500 AGP's were made like this one a Rev.A0 4499, how would it even work? Main VSA does the main VGA and the slave VSA does the other?

    I always wondered this actually.

    This image is owned by gdonovan :)

    E-tag reads Bios V5P695 hmm dunno what kind of Bios that would be heh, unless this idea was uzsed to simulate a DVI-D and later when the V5 PCI Mac's came out they decided to use a DVI-D instead, just my hypothesis on the matter.

    Here my 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 PCI Macintosh 64MB Rev.A1 2900 Repaired taken care of by Backfire
    the Polymer recap was done by SWZSSR :)
    V5 PCI Mac Green 02 a.jpg V5 PCI Mac Green 02 b.jpg

    Which is basically a Dual head card as well, it comes down to the same aspect.

    Edited once, last by Gold Leader (March 24, 2022 at 1:53 AM).