• Quote


    are you kidding ? it looks amazing. really like the 2x2 design.

    It does not many were able to achieve what Anthony gave us, it's fine to like or dislike something but I personally like this concept, also just for those not knowing the DVI was added for experimental purposes afaik, it comes with HDMI & D-Sub 15 pin VGA as well.

    But seeing how this design gives 8 ram spots per VSA-100 you could fit them with 4x 128MB for an insane Voodoo5 6000 PCI 512MB Graphics card solution, so for an 8 chip config you'd get 8x 128MB good for 1024MB /1GB ram yea you can go mental on such idea's.

    Not sure if a VSA-100 can address 256MB tho, as a hypothetical theory maybe possible, but yea, not entirely sure, might be for a fun project maybe see how much ram a VSA-100 can address.

    Auf Deutsch:

    Es nicht viele waren in der Lage zu erreichen, was Anthony gab uns, es ist in Ordnung zu mögen oder etwas nicht mögen, aber ich persönlich mag dieses Konzept, auch nur für diejenigen, die nicht wissen, die DVI wurde für experimentelle Zwecke afaik hinzugefügt, es kommt mit HDMI & D-Sub 15-polig VGA sowie.

    Aber wenn man bedenkt, dass dieses Design 8 Speicherplätze pro VSA-100 bietet, könnte man sie mit 4x 128MB für eine verrückte Voodoo5 6000 PCI 512MB Grafikkartenlösung ausstatten, so dass man bei einer 8-Chip-Konfiguration 8x 128MB für 1024MB /1GB Speicher bekommt, ja, man kann bei solchen Ideen verrückt werden.

    Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ein VSA-100 256MB adressieren kann, als hypothetische Theorie ist es vielleicht möglich, aber ja, ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, es könnte ein lustiges Projekt sein, um zu sehen, wie viel Ram ein VSA-100 adressieren kann.

  • too bad the existing drivers are outdated and are not optimzed for this amount of memory. 32mb/VSA was maximum offered back then on regular cards, and only Aalchemys 8x64 used more like 64mb/VSA.

    Now that we have this amazing cards from Anthony, the driver development will reborn :topmodel:

  • this card has 512mb. with certain bioses it may have 128/256/512 configs. i found that only the win2k drivers on sock a system work with a maximum amount of ram. and only the d3d part without glitches. thus it's a fun feature and the card may be quickly reverted to a standard config with a jumper selectable active bios.

    the more complicated stuff is digital out. i need consulting from a fpga specialist to choose the proper chip. unfortunately i have no such specialist in touch.

    Edited once, last by Anthony (December 25, 2022 at 2:11 AM).

  • thanks Anthony for details.

    i have more questions for you:

    -did you run benchmarks or any application that show the advantage of the extra memory?

    -will this card be available for purchase?

    -do you plan to build a v5 6000 with 512mb?

  • no, there's no advantages. maybe in a very specific task 128mb per chip config will show something. anyway it's an area of d3d apps as the glide ones use tiny textures.

    i have two such cards without cooling. no plans to sell. but if someone will be interested, why not. cooling it the main reason not to build such cards. custom solution costs a lot. these times i prefer not to waste money on this.

  • well if using FSAA x4 or x8 at reso's of 1600x1200x32 it might be an advantage as more textures can be loaded in the VRAM, for this it will have most effect but for everything else 64MB per VSA-100 should be plenty really.

  • I think that layout is much better to cool then the normal Layout. I would like it.

    should be pretty easy to cool like one massive Aluminum or copper heatsink will surely do the job quite well, 3dfx used this idea with their 2x2 card just to see on how to cool it passively with heatsinks:

    The Quantum 3D AAlchemy 4116 has similar design for cooling as you can see here:

    The AAlchemy 4116V has a dark brown PCB but also the same cooling solution;
    These photo's were made by gdonovan:

    Note the heatsink is mounted in the wrong way, the green card has it mounted correctly :)
    You can always add fans to this large heatsink as well.

  • I think here at VA we have some guys who can design such a heatsink.

    then Producing a bunch of them isnt too expensive.

    I guess a front and back heatsink would be nice which cools memory as well as the backsides of the VSAs.

    on the front a 120mm fan could be mounted.

    so we would just need the correct measurements for the part.

    2 questions

    Are the measurements of the vsa and memory compartment final or will something be changed during evolution of the card?

    do 2 bios chips allow only 2 memory configs? so only 128/512 oder 256/512 and so on ?

  • with proper cooling, this cards are working like a normal 6000, right ?

    just the layout is different.


    I think that layout is much better to cool then the normal Layout. I would like it.

    only the custom solution will fit. as opposed to the 4 in line layout.

    Hey Anthony if you really want to sell one of these cards I´m interested.

    There is still some Christmas bonus to be spent...

    very slow shipping these days 2 month at least. customs in your country causing massive slowdown.

    Note the heatsink is mounted in the wrong way, the green card has it mounted correctly :)
    You can always add fans to this large heatsink as well.

    i believe those things weren't intended to used in passive.

    Are the measurements of the vsa and memory compartment final or will something be changed during evolution of the card?

    do 2 bios chips allow only 2 memory configs? so only 128/512 oder 256/512 and so on ?

    1.no plans to change something.

    2. that's correct

  • as mem config goes 128/512 would be the best as that 128MB always works in games without issues 512MB can run in to the same or similar issues as 256MB does, so if going for a 512MB livery I'd go for the 128/512MB Bios option over the 256MB/512MB one.

  • as mem config goes 128/512 would be the best as that 128MB always works in games without issues 512MB can run in to the same or similar issues as 256MB does, so if going for a 512MB livery I'd go for the 128/512MB Bios option over the 256MB/512MB one.

    compared to the 512mb config the 256mb one has no issues. that's how big the difference is.

    Anthony: do you have any screenshots with 512mb ?

    the bios screen or what you mean?