Starting Snow White Benchmarks (Voodoo56K Replika)

  • Moin moin,

    ich habe ja nun seit einer Weile schon meine Voodoo5 6000 Replika "Snow White" (AGP, 128/256 MB) hier liegen und endlich auch ein paar passende Systeme dazu, um sie zu testen.

    Ich habe alle Infos zu meinen Erkenntnissen mit der "Snow White" AGP in einem Post hier zusammengetragen.

    Suche noch Hardware folgender Hersteller:
    - Quantum3D

    - Canopus

    Edited 9 times, last by Alliance2000 (April 4, 2022 at 12:50 PM).

  • I'm sure these were already on the list, but a couple of things that I always run to test functionality/performance are below. Screenshots are from my Asus P3B-F/PIII 866MHz/512MB PC133 RAM/Win98SE Vooodoo2 SLI rig. (it's what I had hooked up at the moment so it's what we get) Could probably throw 3DMark Max 99 in for baseline comparisons although there is nothing like actual game demos.

    • Unreal Gold
      • Has two intros randomly selected upon launch - one for "Fly By" and the other for "Return to Na Pali". Both will give you Average/Lowest/Highest/etc FPS but only the "Fly By" will give you a "Cycle" score as it loops so you can view an average with multiple runs.
        • Easily run via console command "timedemo 1" after launching the game.
    • Quake 3 Arena patched to v1.32
      • A few console commands for this and it's always a good benchmark.
        • /com_maxfps 999
        • /cg_drawfps 1
        • /timedmeo 1
        • /demo four

    It's late for me and my brain is running at about 400MHz so some of this might be wrong but I thought I would throw it out there :) I see there is an EPOX 8K3A on German eBay at the moment for a "reasonable price" with good caps (so it looks like) and maybe someone can score a AXDA3200DKV4D (rare but amazing) or AXDA3000DKV4D to go with it.

    With benchmarking there are also many things to consider such as drivers and other hardware/software within the systems, regardless this all sounds fun and I hope to someday obtain my black pcb card once things calm down.


  • Es kommt ja auch drauf an was man bei den Benches herausfinden will. Je nachdem ob man sich für die max fps, avg fps, min fps oder fps mit AA Stufen interessiert.

    Daher wird es schwer es klein zu halten ;). Aber was sicher interessant für alle wäre, ob und wann die 256mb Speicher einen Mehrwert in höheren Auflösungen zeigen oder ob vorher der AGP/PCI Bus limitiert.

  • oh ja, das würde mich auch interessieren! Es gibt ja einige Aussagen, dass 32MB pro VSA100 in bestimmten Spielen schon limitieren können, weshalb diverse V5 5500er schon eine Speicherverdoppelung spendiert bekommen haben. Mit einem jumperbaren BIOS kann man das jetzt sehr komfortabel herausstellen :)

    - hier könnte Ihre Signatur stehen -

  • Benchmark games that interest you and have an easy way to bench(are repeatable). In any way, just pure numbers wont really tell you much, a comparison to something will.

    You can check this, I described how I ran the benchmark or atleast demo name.

    And full notes

  • Alliance2000 March 20, 2022 at 8:25 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Benchmarks für Snow White (Voodoo 5 6000)” to “Starting Snow White Benchmarks (Voodoo56K Replika)”.
  • don't use 64-bit system/drivers. i believe it doesn't support 4-chip cards at all.

    q2 has support for minigl and default opengl for 3d rendering. minigl stands for 3dfxgl.dll in the q2 folder. default opengl stands for opengl32.dll in the windows folder. check for both options.

    if you have telegram messanger i can drop all these games.

    also keep in mind agp2pci adapter won't work well in win9x.

    Edited once, last by Anthony (March 21, 2022 at 12:31 PM).

  • don't use 64-bit system/drivers. i believe it doesn't support 4-chip cards at all.

    q2 has support for minigl and default opengl for 3d rendering. minigl stands for 3dfxgl.dll in the q2 folder. default opengl stands for opengl32.dll in the windows folder. check for both options.

    if you have telegram messanger i can drop all these games.

    also keep in mind agp2pci adapter won't work well in win9x.

    Actually there are drivers for WInXP x64 GrandAdmiralThrawn had a 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP 128MB Rev.A3 3400 running fine under WinXP X64.
    Drvers for this OS can be found here:

    SFFT 1.9…0/windowsxpx64/

  • No! I don't! You're right that I'm running WinXP x64, and I did once own a Rev.A3 3400. But none of my v5 6000 cards ever ran under XP x64! I used it only with Windows 98SE and occasionally Windows 2000 SP4.

    So, I actually have zero experience with this. ;)


    Stolzer Besitzer eines 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP Prototypen:

    • 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP HiNT Rev.A-3700

    [//] - No RISC, no fun!

    QotY: Girls Love, BEST Love; 2018 - Lo and behold, for it is the third Coming; The third great Year of Yuri, citric as it may be! Edit: 2019 wasn't too bad either... Edit: 2020... holy crap, we're on a roll here~♡! Edit: 2024, finally last year's dry spell is over!

    Quote Bier.jpg@IRC 2020: "Je schlimmer der Fetisch, desto besser!"

    Edited once, last by GrandAdmiralThrawn (March 30, 2022 at 6:53 PM).

  • No! I don't! You're right that I'm running WinXP x64, and I did once own a Rev.A3 3400. But none of my v5 6000 cards ever ran under XP x64! I used it only with Windows 98SE and occasionally Windows 2000 SP4.

    So, I actually have zero experience with this. ;)

    interesting I must of been confused with an other VA member that did manage this quite well. Forgot who it was then.

  • i took a brief look at the x64 driver binary code and found no specific 4-chip cards code. i guess this driver is able to work with these cards only in single chip mode.

  • oh ja, das würde mich auch interessieren! Es gibt ja einige Aussagen, dass 32MB pro VSA100 in bestimmten Spielen schon limitieren können, weshalb diverse V5 5500er schon eine Speicherverdoppelung spendiert bekommen haben. Mit einem jumperbaren BIOS kann man das jetzt sehr komfortabel herausstellen :)

    Max Payne lässt ab 1024x768 32Bit die 32MB VRam vollaufen.