I was curious about the Mercury brick. http://www.thedodgegarage.com/3dfx/q3d_mercu…bottom_full.jpg
I have two non-functional green 200sbi cards and the whole system consisting of 4 black cards and all the other stuff. So i had the intention to figure out how to run it as a brick. Found some data, had a conversation with mr. Tregemba (i guess you know who he is and you saw his video) and found that i should try to clone 05 version of CPLD from a green card in order to replace 04 version of CPLD on a black card. Also googled for some service which advertises themself as a chip crackers http://www.ic-crack.com in particular. I thought that it's not a big issue to dump the data from that old XC9572 CPLD as some magic special equipment exists. Btw they charge considerable amount of money for such services ($1.7k), so i thought that is a fair amount for such a work. Had some emails with them and they said that the succes rate is almost 100%.
Ok, i desoldered two (one for destroy, the other one for testing, i thought that will help them to make their job better) XC9572 chips from my green 200sbi cards and sent to http://www.ic-crack.com, the address is:
Room 3020, XINMAO BLDG,
MinFeng Road;
LONGHUA District;
Postal Code: 518 131
Phone: 134 8076 0051
Attn: Crystal
The complete parcel track is here: https://t.17track.net/ru#nums=RR158393666RU
I made two payments in $1.3k in total as i remember and in a while i got the jed file and 4 programmed CPLDs and the story begins. The jed file has this header:
DD XC9572XL_Q64*
You may clearly see the XC9572XL device in QFP64 package with 46656 fuses. XC9572 (which populated on 200sbi cards) is incompatible with the XL version, has a different amount of fuses (41472) and different package thus different IO pins amount. That is complete nonsense and everyone who has enough competence with CPLSs will say that. And, as you may presume, all 4 chips they sent to me were non-functional. Each chip has reset input and it has low state, so the whole 200sbi card is in reset after the CPLD chip is soldered.
I make them aware of such chips' behaviour and wrong jed file. All they said is that they don't understand why i can't program my XC9572 with their jed file, where i see that the jed file is wrong and such bullshit. Regarding the programmed chips i made some reversing of 200sbi card and sent them the pinout of XC9572 to help to see that the reset can't be low constantly: https://www.modlabs.net/uploads/gallery/blogs/1026.jpg
See pin 36 for reset for example. Also it has CLK_IN (38) and CLK_OUT (14) pins and i made a test device with a clock generator and shot a video with an oscilloscope with the correct CPLD chip to make them see how clk in and clk out pins should work. Both these pins are in constant low state too in the chips they sent to me. I was very patient with my tries to explain obvious things.
But that was absolutely pointless, they just do not understand what is reset and clock signals and what is low and high state in electronic devices. May include some screens from emails, that is ridiculous. It's obvious now why they behave in such a way.
Sure, no refunds.
So far i can't do anything about that case and considering my money and time is lost, moreover 2 green 200sbi cards are dismantled with no purpose. So i announce https://www.ic-crack.com/ company as scammers.
P.S. Here's the file i got from them: http://zxc64.com/tmp/XC9572-15PC44-Anthony.jed
It's the plain text, you may open it with the Notepad and see the wrong device in it.