Posts by osckhar
Nope, dont confuse rev 220 with 230. Revision 230 reach 200MHz and rev 220 not reach 200MHz. Just the 355-0026-230 is only used on V5-6000 2600 A2 and and updated to the version 320.
Yes, 320 handle much better the heat and high frequency- it is a worth just there are not stock.
Hello Delerium,
At your question:
V5-6000 0700 A0 - 500-0030-00 / No stock.
V5-6000 1500 A1 - 355-0026-200 / No stock but you can use 220).
V5-6000 2600 A2 - 355-0026-230 / (It reach 200MHz as 355-002-320) / No stock
V5-6000 3400 A3 - 355-0026-220 / stock
V5-6000 3700 A - 355-0026-320 / No stock
V5-6000 3900 A - 355-0026-320 / No stock
Yes, I am the same one who sells those cards. I agree that the price is crazy and not in line with reality, but the goal is not to sell the card on ebay. It's just advertising (thanks to these types of ads people contact me to repair their cards or modify their cards and not only 3dfx cards if not others brands), I don't want people to buy the cards through ebay and this is the reason why price is so high. When someone wants a special card modified by me they contact me via email or via ebay. In this forum there are 4 or more guys who have bought my modified cards and they can tell if I am a scammer or if I sell shit or if I cheat people, or if the price is close to 2000Euros, just the opposite- but it is true, it is not cheap and I own very few 320 chips left...
V5-5800 is a project started in 2019 and I only try to make a quality and special modd based on 20 cards. Once achieved it, there are no more cards modified by me with 320 rev. chip. For me a voodoo5 modified with 128Mb and capable of run at 200MHz even 210-215MHz or more is very special - at least for me - and really card looks nice but yes, ‘for taste, the colors’.
- Oscar.
Hi guys,
There are two things to keep in mind when looking for a Voodoo5-6000 compatible motherboard:
1.- Look for a safe motherboard for the 6000s, that means a motherboard that works at 3.3V. The kt333 chip is 100% safe, but don't confuse it with the kt333CF, the latter will send the 6000 to heaven. You need a motherbard wwtih AGP1.0 or AGP2.0 universal.
2.- A safe board for the 6000s, which works at 3.3V, does not mean that it is compatible with the 6000. It just won't work but it won't harm the 6000. Card can not boots up but not means it is damaging the 6000, so not fear.
I had a bad experience with the MSI Kt3 ultra, but at no time did it damage the card. In my case it just didn't work properly.
Guys, don't be afraid, the v5-6000 is very stable if you use it on a 3.3V motherboard, I have been with that combo for many years and 0 problems, please enjoy the goddess without fear and if at some point the card stops work, you have Anthony, Stpehan or me and we will make the phoenix rise from the ashes.
Sorry for my bad English.
I received a v5-6000 3700 A from Claas (Chosen_Once) across my friend Stephan (Backfire)
I think some users will remember this card where tried to fix it with not success . For the rework he used a PLX chip leaded free - I dont recommend it since melting point is arround 220C - too much heat and stress for the PCB- it is suffering too much when with Hint bridge leaded melting point is 183C.
When he did the rework, card waken up but in few hours it stop to work again, he did some times the rework until he decided to stop since pads starts to be lifted.
Stephan asked me if I wanted to try to fix it and of course I want it!
Here the card. It is wonderful, I love it.
I didn't know what I was going to find once I take out the PLX chip. I just desoldered the chip and didn't even clean the area, I just wanted to see how the area was . And I could already see that at least one PAD was lifted and zone really dirty...
Once I cleaned the area and passed the desoldering mesh, 2 more pads jumped. It felt like just looking at the pads - they just jumping - in the end there was a very affected area in the lower right right next to the AGP connector, and there jumped more pads, a total of 5 pads ... and later one more but this one N/C.
I talked to Stephan and told him that situation was very bad, but that I wanted to try it. The Hint bridge area is a very tiny area, VIAS, tracks and pads are exaggeratedly small to be able to work comfortably.
I told Stephan that to repair the pads I needed to break the traces of the damaged pads, that if Claas agreed, I would work in the 6000s. Of course he told me yes, that I do what I need to do it for fixing.
I started to work and take out the traces outside the chip.
Really it is as a ' chinese work' since zone is very small for rework but with a lot of patience started to re-work on pads and re-routing tracks. Not looks very nice but important is them do their function. : )
After a some days working and redoing the work done, I finally finished the area. The light is not good and the zone on picture looks worse than to the natural.
I also re-did a PAD N/C - I know I don't need to re-make an N / C pad but I wanted the ball to have a fulcrum, so I remade the pad, small but enough.
And all ready for a BGA session party. : )
And really BGA rework it was pretty good. So, it was all ready for powering up the 6000s and voilaaaaa...
But not everything could go perfectly, and I detected errors in memory. : (
So the work must continue.
Card lock up when trying to load windows - need to re-check tsop sdram chips -
PS. Help - How can I add pictures on thread and not as link?
Once fixed the shorts on memory- card works as te Queen it is.
For testing I had to add Hank's Rework since card locks up when FSAA was enabled. This card still came with original resistor handle SCKL clock speed.
QUAKE 3 - OpenGL
DONUT - Glide.
3DMARK2001SE - D3D
So, I can say card works perfect.
Oscar. -
Backfire, for me it is a pleasure too. I like your whatsapps in the morning. This man does not sleep, all the time working.
voodooalert's users - you are in very good hands. Backfiere takes really good care of you. A lot of passion in his work.
Hello Radu,
QuoteDie karte ist definitiv umgebaut, mit DVI Anschluss und schneller speicher bausteine. 4ns.
Hast die von Osckhar umbauen lassen ?
I did not mod the card- it is not mine.
Hello ciacara72,
He contacted me via eBay requesting help- I told him that I need to have card here for testing and know where the problem is.
Card does not need C540 for booting up and for working perfect. In the case bios is not nuked, problem must be on internal power circuit or dead master vsa100. Check if VSA100 is receiving 2.8V, if is yes, then my guess is card needs BGA rework and replace at least master vsa100.
I was checking your score using a v5-5500 but seems you are using it on a motherboard with pure agp4x 1.5V, correct? Did you mod your v5? I see you need high Vagp for getting stable the v5 5500?
Oscar. -
QuoteHm... OK but i like to see a 6K on a 3.3V AGP Board hitting over 5000 in 3dmark01. AGP2PCI Adapter for using a IntelCore Or something else with a old Voodoo is like cheating.
My (Till today) unbreakable Wall is hitting 20.000 Points in 3dmark99, 10.000 Point in 3dmark00 and 4800Points in 3dmark01 with a regular 3.3V AGP Mainboard. And without Driver Cheating. (LOD- Very Ugly) And i don't know a 6K that scales beyond a 55K with such Setup. The Limit is Not the Voodoo, But the Processor.
The problem using a KT333 board with 6000s is the CPU using 3DMark2001 since T&L must be done via SW for such reason the scores between a 6000 and 5500 is very similar but if you use an agp2pci adapter in same platform with a powerfull C2D or betteer, for example an ASUS WS with PCIx device and test ast same setting a V5-5500 and V5-6000- 6000s is arround 1750 point better than V5-5500 on 3Dmark2001.
Is there any limitation? Can I use a modded V5 5500 card? For example a V5 5500 moded AGP4X, 210MHz and 128Mb? I can test it on 3DMark2001... WoW, a lot of years since at FalconFly Forum we 'battle' for getting the best score- TM30 had great scores too and later we started the battles with the V5-6000 and you were to able to check online the scores of everybody...
Oscar. -
Iam very sure that the 55K is faster than 6K in 3dmark01.
Really no, I handled over 6000 points with a V5-6000 many years ago. Getting 4500 points with a v5 5500 is 'easy', to reach 6000 points with a v5-5500 is other history.
For getting a V5-6000s fast you only need an AGP2PCI adapter compatible with 66MHz and a fast system.
Oscar. -
Interesting- did you check it on V5-5500? It means 33MHz card handle much better O/C across agp FSB but in a 6000s you will not get too much advantage since it will lock up over 70MHz agp bus. At least in test I did using 6000s.
I think that cannot be entirely correct. We had some benchmarks here that showed huge advantages for AGP V4 outperforming V5 being bottlenecked by 'PCI' bus. Will check if i find those...will be in german though.
Yes, correct. Using a V4 AGP 66MHz and V5-5500 PCI 33MHz in some special game and test V4 will perform better.
Just Anthony wanted to know if the switch 33/66MHz on VSA100 across strapping really affects on performance as it affects using using a pci bus 33MHz VS AGP 66MHz.
Seems such switch should do same difference between pci 33 vs agp 66MHz but in reality there is not difference.
Anthony, now I catch you- you mean if there is difference performance between to set up 6000 66MHz instead of 33MHz (disabling Hank's rework)- answer is NO. Years ago I did many test using 6000s with Hanks Rework and without it. Hanks rework sets up VSA100 as PCI 33MHz instead 66MHz but talking in a global performance there is not impact.
I did similar test doing Hanks rework on V5 AGP and sets up 33MHz instead of 66MHz, performance was the same even disabling AGP capabilities and seated up V5 AGP as PCI with same performance.
I used 3Dmark2001 since the difference in performance between 33 and 66MHz is very noticeable using T&L by Software- always same performance.
Across of an AGP2PCI adapter you can check the difference performance between 33 and 66MHz in any VSA100 card. Difference is very important when emulation via SW is present.
Oky Anthony! I will check it- do you know any special test for checking it?
Hello Anthony,
What do you mean for a good V5-6000s running 66MHz bus? Are you talking about the rares V5-6000s samples stable in any FSAA without Hank's Rework? Do you mean such V5-6000s?