Some people change as like I did as well.

  • Hi all.

    People change when getting older and yes I must conclude the same has occurred with me, my interest for 3dfx has fallen away, though I do have a 5500 PCI & 5500 PCI Mac for support when that is needed.

    As some may have seen, I have been selling some 3dfx gear over here:

    It seems that the interest of 3dfx has left me fully and getting rid of the cards is one way of dealing with it, rich I certainly am not and money is extremely rare for a 100% disabled person like me, so I must sell items to gain new parts for my flight simulator system, the 5000 PCI has been sold to Rolo01 if some may ask.

    Anyways from all what I have learned I thank everyone that helped me out in the past as til the pressent, people change in time and that is what happened with me, even that I sold the 5000 PCI I feel extreemly confident about it as nothing is bugging me either.

    Anyways I will be around for support if that is needed, the place's where I will be around mostly are the following:

    Feel free to contact me there if needed ;)

    Anyways all I'd like to say is thank you very much for all the support you all gave me and it was a great pleasure telling youa ll how them 3dfx prototypes I had as other cards on how they worked as such.

    May The Force Be With You Always lads, my 3dfx life does somehwat ended at this point, collective wise, people change as we get older you change, others change and I change, it just something very natural we all have to accept and live with as we get older 8)

    Edited 3 times, last by Obi-Wan Kenobi (April 6, 2009 at 6:14 PM).

  • man, i feel sorry to read that. i hope you are sure what you're doing there. you probably will never accquire a 5000 again. did you speak with your closest friends and parents intensely? are you fine elseway?

  • @ TM30

    I am fine to some certain point but people change as I did as well, so did osckhar as by the way he thinks of me heh not much true as what he wrote in is post script.... [Blocked Image:]

    @ Hutzeputz

    Yes I know that I am banned from the marketplace, the url was only placed to show people that I am serious this time as I did already sell one of my cards as not regretting it that is all nothing more and nothing less.
    Anyways the topic was more that I am leaving this 3dfx hype as it has become for my doing which that url was a part of this feeling I have, anyways that you locked it that was for you to decide not me.

    Ah well I will stay around as support goes nothing wrong with that,it's that there have been many ups and downs the previous year andI wanted to put an end to that this was actually the entire meaning of my topic and not to be seen as a marketing issue, its a shame you saw it that way, but okay your eng isn't that good thus I understand and accept ;)

    Edited 2 times, last by Obi-Wan Kenobi (April 7, 2009 at 5:18 PM).

  • okay, your deciscion. but i hope it will be the final decision...

    look at me, i also sold all cards and i still do not have any regrets. (i still have a generic 5500 AGP and a VG, just in case i feel like playing nostalgic games... but in the past months i did not have this feelings...)
    ii hope you will feel the same way. because without regrets, life is much more easier... for sure.

    The best is, as you have already mentioned, to spend the money you have the most fun at... and it seems its flight simulating stuff. so do this. for me it was the bike stuff.

  • Good news his that all the cards have been reserved to a good friend, some one that does understand me, keep his name anonymous I will, just for the ones that were willing to know how it all proceeded.

    @ Hutzeputz :)

    Do what must be done, understandable at one point, but not at the other.

  • Hauptsache ist, die Karten gehen NICHT zu dem belgischen Ölprinzen...

    "Du bist und bleibst a Mensch und du kannst eben net deine menschlichkeit überwinden."


  • Quote

    @ TM30

    I am fine to some certain point but people change as I did as well, so did osckhar as by the way he thinks of me heh not much true as what he wrote in is post script....

    If you want I can talk so everybody will know the true. I can explain them what you promised me. So, please dont talk about me.


  • Obi,
    If you want I can talk so everybody will know the true. I can explain them what you promised me. So, please dont talk about me.


    As a keeper of the cards I decide to whom I sell them since everyone deserves a chance, since you have 3 5000's already there are others that deserve a chance and as a an honorable person I gave it to them, it's that simple, you may ban me if you want, that is all up to you comrade.
    But it will give you a very bad rep as you are banning me because I didn't sell you a card on which you think I promised, it was 8 months ago, really there were many things going on with my life and such things just fade to be very honest and you forget this since you think you know me, this is something I would of expected from you, but it doesn't seem to be so after all, afaik I promised nothing and if so I forgot about it and rethought about it, I bought the cards and as seller of the cards I decide to whom they go and not you, stop running my life it's not making it any better laddie, you have pushed such things too far.

    However don't even try to re-edit the PM's I sent you in the past to make them read positive on your behalf that does not work with me.

    Everyone must do for what he or she thinks is best and you have crossed these boundaries. :grr::grr::grr:

    Tieftes op en loat min met ruste!

  • bevor jetzt noch mehr gemutmaßt wird

    als osckhar die 5000 an obi verkauft hat war ich auch sehr interessiert. (auch da gabs schon einen Ausrutscher von obi, seit dem steht er auch bei mir auf igno)
    Da es nicht das erste mal ist das obi aufhört zu sammeln und eine 5000 verkauft hat osckhar mit obi ausgemacht das wenn osckhar die 5000 zurückkauft und er sie dann unter anderem mir anbietet.

    ob das wirklich stimmt kann ich natürlich auch nicht sagen, kann ja sein das osckhar mich nur beruhigen wollte.

    Und hier noch ein blöder Spruch den nicht jeder sehen kann.
    :spitze: Anscheinend ist es ja mittlerweile modern, Schriftfarben zu nutzen die man nur in einem der beiden Designs sehen kann :spitze:

  • As a keeper of the cards I decide to whom I sell them since everyone deserves a chance, since you have 3 5000's already there are others that deserve a chance and as a an honorable person I gave it to them, it's that simple, you may ban me if you want, that is all up to you comrade.
    But it will give you a very bad rep as you are banning me because I didn't sell you a card on which you think I promised, it was 8 months ago, really there were many things going on with my life and such things just fade to be very honest and you forget this since you think you know me, this is something I would of expected from you, but it doesn't seem to be so after all, afaik I promised nothing and if so I forgot about it and rethought about it, I bought the cards and as seller of the cards I decide to whom they go and not you, stop running my life it's not making it any better laddie, you have pushed such things too far.

    However don't even try to re-edit the PM's I sent you in the past to make them read positive on your behalf that does not work with me.

    Everyone must do for what he or she thinks is best and you have crossed these boundaries. :grr::grr::grr:

    Tieftes op en loat min met ruste!

    This is my last post in this thread:

    Just I am disappointed with you because we had a deal and you broke it. You always tried to buy them from me during years . When I had practically closed the deal with exxe about v5 5000 pci I sold it you because I know you from a lot of years and I thought you really wanted them. So, I only told you one condition to CLOSE the deal -if you someday decide to sell them before do it, please contact with me and I will try to buy them back again. You told me -dont worry my friend I will never sell it again like I did with my last big sale (all prototype cards) but if someday I change my mind I will contact with you and before do it and if you want you can recover them again. And you gave me your word. I sold you the card on crhistmas and 4 month later you want to sell it... :(

    Yes, you are right both cards are yours and you can sell lthem like you want just I thought I can trust on your word but you always act so.


    However don't even try to re-edit the PM's I sent you in the past to make them read positive on your behalf that does not work with me.

    Why do yo say that? You know me and I never will do such thing. I dont need to re-edit any PM Obi!


  • Was für ein Kindergarten. Wie wäre es, wenn wir uns mal wie erwachsene Leute benehmen und solche Dinge persönlich regeln, anstatt in der Öffentlichkeit rumzuheulen. Letztendlich steht hier Wort gegen Wort und keiner von uns kann mit Sicherheit sagen, wer hier was versprochen hat. Aber deswegen so einen Aufstand zu machen...grow up!

    Das geht an ALLE Beteiligten!

  • it were the frustrations from within and yes they did get out of hand as it seemed, what has happened should not of had to end this way, my apologies for that, hereby I shall leave every 3dfx forum aside it's not making things better for all of us, to exile I go for now.

    @ Chosen_One

    please don't involve yourself into something you don't have the slightest idea of what it's about, it has been settled this topic can be locked by all means.

    Edited 3 times, last by hutzeputz (April 7, 2009 at 8:22 PM).