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  • Rebuilding a 6k was an unrealistic dream. ....

    If we had a base where someone can build onto. Maybe we could just use a die-shot of the VSA-100 and move that to HDL code or whatever.

    We might be able to speed up the PCI Interface to 133 mhz on the Card. That should not be to hard.

  • I'll ask Hank and see what he comes up with so far he always replied to me hehe.
    Also no one ever thought Hank would have so many 3dfx ES boards & knowledge, in the end we were all surprised were we not?
    So I am sure he might have a few more helpful info laying about.

    in the end of often takes a Jedi Master to get the info you guys need, not the first time I'm doing this.

  • PCB Layout never was the problem, we just were too lazy. Chip design on the other hand is a totally different beast. Generate Verilog code from a die-shot... :spitze::spitze::spitze: Nope, that's not how it's gonna work ^^

    Regarding "should not be too hard" part: It's not simply done by just increasing frequency. The I/O probably needs to be tied to base clock and constantly controlled by a phase lock loop. Otherwise the bus system would run out of sync. Without proper EDA and hardware for simulation/verification I don't see this happen.

  • PCB Layout never was the problem, we just were too lazy. Chip design on the other hand is a totally different beast. Generate Verilog code from a die-shot... :spitze::spitze::spitze: Nope, that's not how it's gonna work ^^

    Regarding "should not be too hard" part: It's not simply done by just increasing frequency. The I/O probably needs to be tied to base clock and constantly controlled by a phase lock loop. Otherwise the bus system would run out of sync. Without proper EDA and hardware for simulation/verification I don't see this happen.

    You'd need the actual Blue Prints of the VSA-100/101 or left alone VSA-200 aka Rampage 2000 to actually make it happen and you can have all that knowledge & technology and all, but in the end without the proper actual blue prints you're a lost cause.

    But oke, I will see what Hank has to pass on so far he always replied to me on what ever I asked him, Patience has always been my guide to success.

    Oh yea we also never saw a new made Voodoo5 6000 happen and look where we are now, never say never, it's not what the Force agrees with ;)

    Edited 2 times, last by Gold Leader (February 22, 2022 at 8:51 PM).

  • What are the chances of a Voodoo 3 remake?

    For those there are these

    + Lost Joker 2: 3Dfx Voodoo3 3500 + NEC PowerVR PCX2, 16 + 4 MB, PCI (66 / 88 MHz selectable) "I can't get no relief"

    - "V3 Project": 3Dfx Voodoo3 3500 incl. VGA Passthrough, 16 MB, PCI

  • i guess reversing the ic chip is not like having verilog code or other fancy stuff. i presume it is like having all the layers scans in proper resolution appropriate to making new lithography.

  • i guess reversing the ic chip is not like having verilog code or other fancy stuff. i presume it is like having all the layers scans in proper resolution appropriate to making new lithography.

    But without knowing which function block is doing what and how the timings correlate to each parts within the chip, you are having a hard time. It would be so much better to have a higher level starting point where you can build upon and have the proper chance to actually test some things (maybe even on an FPGA basis).

    Otherwise I just see a reproduction possible, if at all (since you need exact the same manufacturing process and tooling that was used).

  • for me, the only intresting option would be die shrink to maybe 12nm..

    Much more Speed, and less heat. So very smaller Cards can be build. but for this also new mem support would be necessary

    Going down from 250nm to 12nm is a massive leap, would be nice but would it be affordable?
    Left alone the equipment needed to make such a process even capable.

    There is a lot more that comes to it though, as I would see it.
    For a V3 16MB will always be the VRAM Limit for a VSA-100 128MB per chip is the utmost max these chips can support as long there are 8 memory sockets.

    Komponent's V4 4500 AGP with the 128MB VRAM mod proved that 128MB can work fora single VSA-100.
    as die size goes I'd aim towards 180nm the size of the VSA-101 or 90nm, to make it more plausible.

  • Deutsch

    Hallo Alliance2000,

    da sie noch nicht gemeldet wurden, werde ich das tun.

    Es gibt noch zwei weitere Projekte, die sich in der Test- und Fertigstellungsphase befinden:

    3D Add-On Cards:


    - Stoned Shaman 2: 3Dfx Voodoo2, 12 MB, PCI (verkauft als SLI Paar) Work in progress.



    - Lost Joker 1: 3Dfx Voodoo3 3500 + 3Dfx Voodoo1, 16 + 4 MB, Work in progress.

    Beste Grüße.:)

    Hi Alliance2000 ,

    since they haven't been reported, I'll do it.

    There are still two more projects in the testing and completion phase:

    3D Add-On Cards:


    - Stoned Shaman 2: 3Dfx Voodoo2, 12 MB, PCI (sold as SLI pair) Work in progress.

    3D Cards:


    - Lost Joker 1: 3Dfx Voodoo3 3500 + 3Dfx Voodoo1, 16 + 4 MB, Work in progress.

    Best regards. :)

  • Deutsch


    Ich denke, dass Anthony (das ist mein Gedanke) den 4-Chip-Kreationen Priorität eingeräumt und diese Projekte vorübergehend auf Eis gelegt hat. Der Lost Joker 1 erwies sich als großes Rätsel, aber sicherlich wird auch dieses Geheimnis gelöst werden. Bei Stoned Shaman 2 wurde das Testen von SLI-Cards erwartet, aber die Priorität lag, wie ich schon sagte, bei 4-Chip-Designs.

    Beste Grüße.:)


    I think Anthony (that's my thought) has prioritised 4-chip creations and put these projects on hold momentarily. The Lost Joker 1 proved to be a big puzzle, but surely this mystery will be solved as well. While for Stoned Shaman 2 the testing of SLI cards was expected, but priority was given, as I said before, to 4-chip designs.

    Best regards. :)

  • Deutsch

    Alliance2000 sicherlich wird es eine Ankündigung auf dem Entwicklerportal für beide Grafikkarten geben, wenn sie verfügbar werden. Wenn ich etwas im Voraus weiß, werde ich es dich wissen lassen, immer mit der Zustimmung des Entwicklers.

    m14radu Hallo mein Freund, der praktische Vorteil ist, zwei Generationen, die erste und die dritte Serie, von 3dfx Technologie basierten Grafikkarten, einen 3D Beschleuniger und eine 3D Grafikkarte, auf einer Pcb. Was die anderen Vorteile angeht, überlasse ich das Wort dem Entwickler.

    Beste Grüßen.:)

    Alliance2000 surely there will be an announcement on the developer portal for both video cards when they become available. If I know something in advance, I will let you know, always with the developer's approval.

    m14radu hi my friend, the practical advantage is to have two generations, the first and third series, of 3dfx technology based video cards, a 3D accelerator and a 3D video card, on one Pcb. For other advantages I leave the word to the developer.

    Best regards.:)

  • Hey ciacara72!

    Thanks for writing in both languages. :)

    You made a small mistake: It is "Deutsch", not "Detusch" :)

    "Du bist und bleibst a Mensch und du kannst eben net deine menschlichkeit überwinden."
